Yes, Natsumi's first move was always to start with transmutation, against Human (AST and Shidou when Natsumi was not aware of Shidou's power and was about to turn him into a manga so basically a lambda student and also when she used it as first move when Shidou and the spirits has won their lmittle game), against fodder Robots and finally against spirits. Natsumi has literally no other starting move but that, Power Mimicry? She need to see the power first (and never waited that the opponent make the first move), BFR? That more possible but sadly, she never do it as first move in a fight, and never used it in a fight so BFR is pretty no too. A punch? never do that, Natsumi know her lacking of physical abilities even for a spirits', that why she always use ranged Magical power. Wait that the opponent make the first move because it's an human? Never do that again, She always start to win, to avoid to being injured. Completly not use her angel? Not possible too, for natsumi, no angel = no abilities. Also
Ionliosite said:
Regardless, assuming Natsumi is not going to do it againts Mercer is like assuming that a character won't attack a child just because he has never been shown doing so.
If this is your point then not only me but SBA disagree with you
State of mind: In character, but willing to kill. The characters will employ their usual battle strategies, including flaws such as being casual, however, must be willing to kill the opponent even if they usually won't. | | |
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Natsumi's usual battle strategie is transmute the opponent into a non-aggresive object, human or not, in a death battle, she will use her usual tactics (even if she also used it against human tho) I don't see what she can do other than Transmutation as she always used it as first moves, regardless the character, and here, just because you're an human won't change anything.
@Iono it's not thought based, Haniel just start to brighten and poof, the opponent is now transmuted, the effect is instant but the process not even if it's pretty fast.
Not gonna vote in this thread, jut for correcting some fallacious idea.