The template looks good and I can see that a lot of work has gone into it. However I don't really see a point in this being a thing honestly.
We already allow team up battles for Versus Threads anyways, which we support and even allow to be added to profiles.
For two characters tops.
We also already create Duo profiles (for some reason, granted I disagree with these to a degree)
For two characters tops.
Like, this should be transparently recognisable to you, claims of redundancy are genuinely nonsensical here.
What is on that profile that cannot be given to the individual character profiles involved?
It represents resources and powers characters have through association, their own dynamics in said association, and how well a group of characters work as a group, and this is from the individual character's perspective.
If you're listing these on an individual character's files, it's irrelevant to that format's purposes and should just straight up be removed.
I also believe that forcing the creation of Character Profiles to allow a team to be created could lead to poorly written character profiles by users who just wanted to make a team in some cases.
Irrelevant. This is only promoting users to index their verses better then, if anything, and keep in mind NOTHING stops users from making bad profiles regardless.
- "Team abilities" would almost always stem from a combination of the individuals abilities, which can obviously simply be added to the character profiles as their own abilities.
Why? They're not relevant.
I also have a few questions regarding the Format itself:
- What happens to the likes of Mundane teams or those that are teams of generally similar characters? What's preventing a user from creating a Team Profile for a Fortnite Squad?
Addressed, we mention each individual member must have a file, Fortnite squad isn't eligible for said file
- and how would the profile work if that was allowed, as there would be no definitive "Leader", there would be only a select few "Team Abilities", and there would not be a "Base of Operations", leaving a very bland profile in cases like this.
Firstly "blandness" isn't something you judge a format's usefulness by, unless you're also willing to argue against the bajillion "guy with gun", " unknown stats" and "10-B" existing make the presence of Characters Profile Format.
- Hell, what would be the point in profiles for the Ninja Turtles, or the Furious 5 from Kung Fu Panda, there are dozens of prominent teams in fiction that would have incredibly bland profiles because despite being a team, their abilities and interesting features come from the individuals in 90% of the cases.
I refuse to believe you have watched Ninja Turtles sufficiently enough to actually seen the wacky "every team member is required for this" equipment they straight up wouldn't be able to operate in a 1v1 scenario.
And honestly if you're bringing up "Guy with Gun" equivalents to this format, I'll bring up the point of the FAR MORE PROMINENT teams across fiction that are greatly benefited by this, like the X-Men, whose abundance of team-wide resources that you can't just put on individual character's files (without laughable misasssociation and omissions), or the Fantastic Four, who have multiple powers only relevant when they're TOGETHER and not individually, and they also have thousands of resources they can pull from.
- Wouldn't giving Tiers and Statistics of each character in the team clog up almost every profile?
This is also the second time this has been misunderstood, good God.
No we're not listing EACH CHARACTER's stats, we're listing the low-end and the high-end, which is reasonable.
- and if we weren't giving the Tier of each character on the team aren't we missing out critical information about a large majority of the team in most cases?, unless you're being a perfectionist and bloating the file on purpose. Compromises and middle-grounds exist, and most relevant teams only require you to understand low-end and MORE IMPORTANTLY high-end, for you to get a good enough grasp for their strength.
We never list "Varies, High 8-C, 8-B, 8-A, Low 7-C, 7-C, High 7-C, Low 7-B, 7-B, 7-A, High 7-A, 6-C, High 6+C", we list " Varies, High 8-C to High 6-C", unless that's not okay with you again.
- Also, if we did give the tiers to each character, then again, why don't we just stick with multiple Character Profiles?
Because Character Profiles, big shock, represent characters. They don't represent teams. This isn't a tough concept to grasp, but you're honestly quite ignorantly latching onto this, and suggesting we instead cluster character files
- What about teams with a lot of incarnations? The Avengers for instance has had dozens of prominent incarnations in the past, each with different members and leaders, as has the Justice League, and more. Would these be Keys? Separate Profiles? Or would Team Profiles be composited?
...have you read the format? I SAID it's keys. Although actually the way Avengers at least work is, they're better represented by files, due to the fact two functionally distinct teams can share the name Avengers.
- How would we treat Outliers for Teams relevant to the characters involved? If Character A has 1 outlier Low 2-C feat, but is part of a Team, that together, consistently achieves Tier 2 feats when together, would those Tier 2 feats be the Teams Tier? or would each of the characters be upgraded to Tier 2 based on this?
- Is the "Membership" section really necessary? Surely a user can determine how many members a team has by looking at how many people are in it based on the next two sections. I also don't believe that it's relevant information anyway, and seems pointless and redundant for the format.
Meh it's important for larger team rosters like Avengers and X-Men, so I suggest to keep it.
Like Kieran recognise your proposal is "We don't need this, we'll just fill character sections with COMPLETELY irrelevant information surrounding them in a 1v1 scenario, something the Characters Profiles were focused on", not to mention it completely bloats the absolute hell out of characters like Batman, who have been in a **** ton of teams,
AND you're also demanding upwards to thousands of edits to Character Files to account for teams instead.
Like staff members, would you prefer if I give every single X-Men Immortality? Would you prefer if I gave every single Justice League member Tier 4 off of the machines Batman makes as common Jistice League resources? These are gross misrepresentations of the character's solo capabilities, and even worse representation of team mechanics, since it deadass requires the user to not even get a basic assessment of a team's capabilities before having to check every single file, and DOESN'T REPRESENT INCARNATIONS AND ROSTERS.
And honestly at the end of the day, I'll just say this, even if the nitpicks brought up were 100% valid, they're not, I'll still straight up argue Team files should be made because it isn't about " Character Files can do it", it's about the very basic concept of Team profiles, which again should've always been represented on a VERSUS DEBATING WIKI,
Like it's genuinely just uncontestable if these are the arguments against it.