Frieza_force_soldier_100 Bruhtelho Frieza_force_soldier_100 wrote on Bruhtelho's profile.
Checking with users who have been in previous Gingerbread Man and Mr. Burns threads to see if they are interested in the match I am doing right now.
Gingerbread Man vs Mr. Burns
This fight was never finished before GBM's profile got deleted. I moved his profile to the Joke Battles Wiki. Now we can finish this fight, starting over from the beginning. The result will be added only to GBM's profile, since that's how battles involving Joke Battle profiles work. This is...
I've been busy lately, so when you ask for my input in versus threads, please do so once people have already wrote about the match-up in it, so I can vote based on quotes from other people rather than having to write my own analysis from scratch. It would be easier for me that way. The exceptions are if the thread features a character from a fiction I'm interested in.