- 517
- 194
Links to the calculations:
XLR8's speed - In every fight that XLR8 has been in, he has been kept up with consistently.
Examples include:
Rojo (Merged with Vilgax's drone) fighting on par wit him.
Vilgax catching him.
The Mummy fighting on par with and keeping up with him.
Viktor easily knocking him away before he could attack.
Many of Ben's aliens and other characters can keep up with these characters, so I suggest two ways of dealing with this.
Method 1. Ruling Massively Hypersonic as an oultier - Nearly every character would be either supersonic to supersonic+ from the Four Arms Dodges a Laser calc except for Way BIg who has a massively hypersonic feat.
Method 2. Ugrading nearly every character to Massively Hypersonic in at least combat speeds and reactions - Every character that XLR8 has fought were able to keep up with him.
Yenaldooshi's thunderstorm feat - Yenaldooshi hasn't shown any type of energy manipulation feats other than this so I don't know if it would scale to his AP.
Low 7-C or 7-B+ (Scaling from either Vilgax's nuke surviving feat or Yenaldooshi's thunderstorm feat)
Way Big (Far stronger than Vilgax and threw him into outer space)
Vilgax (Survived a nuclear bomb while far weaker than he is now)
Four Arms (Fought on par with both Vilgax and Kevin 11)
Ghostfreak (Withstood attacks from Kraab, who fought with Tetrax, who easily beat Diamondhead)
Diamondhead (Fought on par with Vilgax)
Kevin 11 (Fought on par with Vilgax and Four Arms)
8-A+ (Scaling from Heatblast's 8-A calcs)
Heatblast (Evaporated a water monster and destroyed a cave)
XLR8 (Fought on par with Drone-Rojo, who was unharmed from Heatblast's attacks)
Viktor (Fought with XLR8 and Upgrade)
Upgrade (Physically comparable to Viktor)
8-B (Scaling from Stinkfly's feat of shooting Vilgax into the ground)
Stinkfly (Shot Vilgax into the ground)
High 8-C (Scaling from Wildmutt)
Wildmutt (Unharmed from a steel tower collapsing on him)
Gwen Tennyson with magic (Clashed with Charmcaster who could harm Wildmutt)
Gwen Tennyson
Ben Tennyson
Max Tennyson
Grey Matter
Other notes - Physically Stinkfly should be building level after tanking this
XLR8's speed - In every fight that XLR8 has been in, he has been kept up with consistently.
Examples include:
Rojo (Merged with Vilgax's drone) fighting on par wit him.
Vilgax catching him.
The Mummy fighting on par with and keeping up with him.
Viktor easily knocking him away before he could attack.
Many of Ben's aliens and other characters can keep up with these characters, so I suggest two ways of dealing with this.
Method 1. Ruling Massively Hypersonic as an oultier - Nearly every character would be either supersonic to supersonic+ from the Four Arms Dodges a Laser calc except for Way BIg who has a massively hypersonic feat.
Method 2. Ugrading nearly every character to Massively Hypersonic in at least combat speeds and reactions - Every character that XLR8 has fought were able to keep up with him.
Yenaldooshi's thunderstorm feat - Yenaldooshi hasn't shown any type of energy manipulation feats other than this so I don't know if it would scale to his AP.
Low 7-C or 7-B+ (Scaling from either Vilgax's nuke surviving feat or Yenaldooshi's thunderstorm feat)
Way Big (Far stronger than Vilgax and threw him into outer space)
Vilgax (Survived a nuclear bomb while far weaker than he is now)
Four Arms (Fought on par with both Vilgax and Kevin 11)
Ghostfreak (Withstood attacks from Kraab, who fought with Tetrax, who easily beat Diamondhead)
Diamondhead (Fought on par with Vilgax)
Kevin 11 (Fought on par with Vilgax and Four Arms)
8-A+ (Scaling from Heatblast's 8-A calcs)
Heatblast (Evaporated a water monster and destroyed a cave)
XLR8 (Fought on par with Drone-Rojo, who was unharmed from Heatblast's attacks)
Viktor (Fought with XLR8 and Upgrade)
Upgrade (Physically comparable to Viktor)
8-B (Scaling from Stinkfly's feat of shooting Vilgax into the ground)
Stinkfly (Shot Vilgax into the ground)
High 8-C (Scaling from Wildmutt)
Wildmutt (Unharmed from a steel tower collapsing on him)
Gwen Tennyson with magic (Clashed with Charmcaster who could harm Wildmutt)
Gwen Tennyson
Ben Tennyson
Max Tennyson
Grey Matter
Other notes - Physically Stinkfly should be building level after tanking this