You don't seem to understand what I'm saying at all, I'm not asking if Kama can hit an abstract or erase an abstract from this level of existence or anything like that, at least I'm not now, I want you to show me Kama interacting with an omnipresent, not a concept. Yeah, I've talked about the abstract and conceptual stuff on a few posts, mostly because some of this shit doesn't make any sense. I mean if Kama can erase concepts from the sphere of origin, doesn't that just mean you don't need Low 1-C range to affect it? Based off what I'ver seen, this isn't the case with any of the Touhou gods, that's what I'm saying, these two are completely incomparable, they work differently from each other, is that such a hard concept to grasp? Anyway, like I said, don't want to talk about that for now, just prove kama can hit an omnipresent first.
Attacking a concept doesn't mean you can attack an omnipresent, pretty sure that's why rimuru and devimon, both of whom have concept manip, are below Shion on that top strongest characters list this is for. If they can't do it, why can Kama? Because she can apparently erase things conceptually from a Low 1-C realm I guess you're gonna say for the millionth ******* time, because apparently you still don't realise that destroying the bodies does jack. Hell, if you don't get it by now, go to that old Pelinal vs Iwanagahime thread, sure I disagree with pelinal not being able to interact with Iwanagahime 100%, especially since he has outerversal range. But in that thread, it was argued pelinal wouldn't be able to win if he lacked range despite him being able to do what you keep saying Kama can just on a beyond infinitely better scale. I don't really want to point to a thread I disagree with, but the points there are basically what I'm arguing here, it's just more valid to me, because Pelinal had more than enough range to win, while Kama has nowhere near enough, do you finally ******* understand?
I never said she's comparable to the concepts of life and death, I said she's closer to them than a beings conceptual existence, but whatever, believe what you want to believe. Yeah, but not omnipresents, which is basically what I'm arguing. Never said she couldn't burn away concepts generally, I basically said it's NLF to say she can burn away an omnipresent concept she can't interact with, not gonna make a CRT on it. I don't get how you've just glossed over the omnipresence for so damn long, even after saying yourself Shion's bodies don't mean anything, most people at that point would just try to prove that the character they're arguing for can hit omnipresents, rather than constantly double down on the same conceptual arguement over and over and over.