Wait, I'm confused.. In prior combat, in intellegence, Yuno takes the cake on this one. In actual combot without smarts, the clapping and creating somewhat hallucinations will not really be affective.. If Yuno is bloodlusted (which her trigger will have to deal with Yuki to fully become bloodlusted to the max) Yuno would be passed insane. In since this is going to be going off physical, Nagasia doesn't have the stamina of Yuno, no where near it. Stamina wise, Yuno will outlast Nagisa with no problem. Now, if you talk about durability, they have the same (obviously humans here). Let's talk about weapons. I doubt Nagisa is hitting Yuno with a stun gun unless it's point blank range. If they are known of each others' weapons then Yuno will instantly stay far back and set traps. In since they are on a roof, Yuno and Nagisa will have to use their area in consideration. (What Assassins have to do to be assassins. So Nagisa will have to scout out the area along side of Yuno before the fight even starts). Yuno will scout too, experince wise, if this is the second Yuno, just in human form, her battle experince trumps Nagisa's. She fought a guy with a diary who was almost perfect hand to hand combatan. Aka, Marco. Knowing the future+good hand to hand combat>a lot of normal fighters. Yuno had to hold back against the couple, but still could of won, just had to worry about Yuki. When the second time came, everyone knew Yuno was going to win that fight against Marco and his fiance and she was all banged up. But, Marco took the phone and went towards Yuki. If they were to actually fight, even being banged up badly she would of still won.. All of what she was doing was apart of her plan, him getting the diary and everything.. So she's obviously smarter than Nagisa. Saying this, Nagisa with his fighting style would not work well against Yuno. At this point, with her smarts and not being able to listen to reason, and she is competely reckless with her body but still able to think, she can beat Nagisa. Nagisa doesn't know how to fight someone like that. Nagisa is a 15 year old boy with intellegence in assassination. He has high intellegence, yes, but not all knowing in fighting. Nagisa would be scared to fight her. Even if Nagisa was bloodlusted, he wouldn't know how to fight her unless he actually tried fighting her. By that time, yuno would already considered so much things, already figured out a plan to throw him off the roof. Yuno would go head on first, we all know that and Nagisa would be forced to go defensive mode which is the best thing for Nagasia in since he practiced most in defense. One defensive stance, Yuno figures it out, stops then figures out a way to catch Nagisa off guard. Nagisa isn't some ultimate scenser, he is a human being who is 15 with high intellengence in fighting and denfense. All Yuno would really need to do is get Nagisa in attack mode, which Yuno will win after that. Small knife? Very close combat, like pretty much in grab length? I think Yuno can win that. It might even be a stale mate at this point if it really comes down to it. On the other hand, yuno would always have a knife ready to stab her opponent, no matter where she put it, she will have it. And we know Nagisa will want to get rid of that axe, first priority. Once he gets close and personal, he takes away axe, in a grab motion with Yuno, Yuno pulls out knife secrectly, Nagisa doesn't feel it, because he's just a 15 year old guy with high intellegence in fighting, Yuno gets ready to stab Nagisa in the stomach. Yeah, Nagisa can "see" Yuno reaching for it, but I don't think Nagisa is faster than Yuno. You will also have to take speed in consideration. If we talk about speed, they possibly have the same speed... The time she sees Yuno reaching, it's already close to her stomach. Not enough time to deflect it. Taking away one axe means that Nagisa has one arm of Yuno, and Nagisa will need two to take the axe away. Yuno lets the Axe being taken while in grapple mode, Yuno stabs Nagisa, yuno wins. That's how it's going to go down. The only way Nagisa will think he will have a chance is close range, especially against that axe. That's also where his strong suite is, and grappling is his best strong suite too. Now, taking away the axe along side of first arm with the axe with also holding onto her arm would take two hands. Now, let's consider Nagisa's legs. If he were to use his legs to get the knife away, that would just make it worst.. That would just open her body up more.. Anyhow, i've been in real life fights and I know the logic in fights like these. Nagisa would just be bloodlusted, not insane like Yuno. Yuno would not care about her own safety, so this is the tactic which she would use. If her arm would be broken, she would not care, still get the kill off. She never really cared about her safety, only if Yukiteru was okay. That's competly it. So tell me why is Nagisa winning... Everyone is making Nagisa more powerful than she really is... Freaking Hwoarang from Tekken can beat Nagisa in a fight, lol. Asuka can beat Nagisa.. If you are worrying about class and how her fighting style is, it kinda won't really matter in the grapple mode at this point.. (Grapple mode meaning that Nagisa has Yuno's right arm or left, which ever she has her axe on.) I know you people will ask "How do you know it will take two hands? How do you know she will even take the axe first?" Nagisa will look at the surroundings, look at the axe, katana and if they are allowed to know each other's weapons, he will know that Yuno has a knife hidden. So one, he will be extra cautious. In since he will be extra cautious, he would want to take away the axe first, but even before that.. He will see how insane Yuno is and how reckless she would be able to be, but he wouldn't know that even though she's insane, she is tactical too. So Yuno has an upperhand in that department, element of suprise. You never said they had prep time at all, if Yuno had prep time, she wouldn't have those weps, the girl would just buy a machine gun and blast Nagisa, but going back on topic.. Yuno has element of surprise, and so much other physical things that can outmatch Nagisa. More powerful than Yuno strength wise? No way.. Not possible. Upper body strength, Yuno can beat, not much but she can beat him. Even though Nagisa seems weak in physical strength, he actually is a lot stronger than a lot of people for his age, but even so, he isn't human peak strength or something, still normal 15 year old strength.. Anyhow, if you want me to use 347 other scenerios that will happen, I can gladly lay all of them out. 264 Yuno wins in, the 81 ends in a tie. 2, Nagisa wins but is badly hurt in some way shape or form.