>That thing about the preconceived notion was pretty clear the first time you said it. "he can do anything" aimed to mean what you said there.
Then stop trying to argue based upon said preconceived notion.
>JoJo is pretty aware of Stands having superhuman speed, one example is SP giving Jotaro a drink right in front of someone with somewhat comparable reactions.
False analogy, Darby isnt MFTL like Trish and Bruno are while King Crimson canonically lacks the speed.
>Diavolo is doing less than that here, not to mention that you are exaggerating what he has to do. Appearing and cutting her hand is the same action as well as the only one. Dissapear is, again, done within erased time.
Bruno's not looking at her when she disappears.
I'm really not, he has to suddenly apear without getting noticed, which is literally impossible and then cut off Trish's hand. Bruno wasnt looking at her? You're now forcing me to repeat myself because you're now straight up ignoring what I said, Bruno not looking at her means nothing, he doesnt need to see Trish to have seen King Crimson and Diavolo, the elevator is to small and due to Trish's position in the hypothetical moment you keep thinking happens, he would of been seen no matter what due to elevator size and the only place he
could appear in was within Bruno's line of sight.
>He does erases time more than once, so no. We don't know why he does so as Mista's body is still observably there but is it doesn't perfectly fit in both ways. Also we don't see the bars don't being broken before.
No he doesnt? In the scene with Narancia, there was only one time skip, not several like your hypothesis requires, I've said this multiple times and it's getting tiring because this part specifically aint a debate, it's a fact we
00:12, is the
only time skip that happened within the narancia death, not several, you are absolutely wrong on this matter, not due to differing opinions on something bt because it's a confirmed fact you are ignoring.
>There is no "magically flew up" because, again, he can move people within erased time. They obviously don't need to be unconscious. We don't know how Araki interpreted the cause and effect thing, should Diavolo be able to break things within erased time (which may be the case) he should as well be able to dissect people within it.
You clearly misintepreted what I was saying but no issue, doesnt matter, youre right we dont know how Araki intepreted that except we kinda do because we see Diavolo's pov a few times. Nero's body is damaged in erased time by Narancia's bullets, not physically but the damage is still superimposed onto him. should Diavolo be able to move, break things and dissect others, literally nothing is saying he cant attack others too, which is the case.
>Eficiente mentioned possible options of what King Crimson can do, and the second seems to make the most sense: he can break things and move people.
The issue with that is that Efi is kinda ignoring context in most of those explanations.
>This explanation only leaves the fortune teller, the introductory arc unexplained and, to an extent, Narancia unexplained, as far as I can tell.
Not quite, especially if you count the random rose in the anime.
>The fortune teller could just be MFTL King Crimson acting far faster than the fortune teller can react.
I'll conceede that
could be the case but context here, King Crimson
ca blitz him, but the fact he
could doesnt mean he did, it's very clearly supposed to be time erase given context and narrative, the fact one has to assume things that clearly werent intended to be the case to what is supposed be happening should tell you that isnt the case.
>The introductory arc has Diavolo cut Trish's, but it also has the weird instance where Bruno sees his future self. The fact the Bruno sees his future self suggests to me that both of these instances are part of an earlier version of King Crimson's abilities that Araki decided to scrap.
You're comparing two different facets of the ability and the seeing future self part is the
only thing dropped after that arc. The thing with the hands wasnt dropped because it hapens again with the fortune teller and King Crimson works the same in the opening arc then it does at the end, we see how it acts and functions while he does it against Bruno in the pillar room, it's the exact same so it wasnt a beta concept for it. The future thing being dropped has no bearig on the hand thing as the hand thing happens again over an enire arc later.
>He has demonstrated doing this with D4C, and a few other minor instances with other stands throughout the series (remember how stands were affected by breathing for a single fight?) so I hardly think it is unreasonable to suggest the same was done for King Crimson.
It is unreasonable, explained above, also D4C does do exactly what he was explained to do in the opening later on again, just the mechanics were changed slightly, not what he can do or the power.
>Narancia is a strange case because we don't see what happened, but it seems to fall under the explanation of breaking things and moving people: he breaks the bars, and leaves Narancia in such a way that when the erase ends, he is impaled. Alternatively he could have broken the bars, and just placed Narancia where the bars were so that when time resumes he is impaled.
We dont see it happen because it happened in erased time,
that's the entire point, nobody had the chance to react and save him. Leaves Narancia in such a way that when time erase ends he is impaled? Impossible, the bars have to of been moved back into place after the impalation, the bars were snapped apart, narancia impaled then put back into place, narancia could of just fell on the things or something, that's literally impossible given how the bars were placed. And for your last bit, you're saying King Crimson can literally telefrag targets but if he can do that why even break the bars to do it? Neither of your explanations are possible or make sense given what he did in order to do it.
>None of the Narancia explanations are great, but the scene itself is one we get little information on and is constructed to give maximum shock value rather than be a fully consistent display of King Crimson's ability. I see the Narancia scene as being an inconsistency because of that and because it would also mean we have to rely upon Diavolo being incredibly stupid to never even attempt something similar throughout the story.
You're right, the explanations arent good and require so many assumptions on things that we hundred percent know didnt happen it's actually ludicrous to think I'm even having this debate. We get little infomation on it
because it all happened within erased time, that's literally the point. It being shocking means nothing and it being a consistent display of King Crimson's power is literally under the assumption that
he cant interact with others which is a fabrication that nobody has a source on, it isnt inconsistent because it isnt contradcting
anything which is what I'm nearly positive all of you are debating on, the assumption that
he cant harm others when the only thing that says that doesnt exist. Diavolo being stupid doesnt really matter, why? Because lets run down the times that he would have done this, Bruno, he didnt
want to rase time with him, he was specifically talking to Bruno whle killing him thus if he erased time he wouldnt be able to talk to him as Bruno wouldnt remember. Polnareff, literally uneeded, he knew he was above Polnareff and managed to kill him just fine, and GER, which is heavily debateable, especially given that upon being RTZ'd, King Crimson tried to throw another punch while moving backward which implies that he can harm others within rased time otherwise why throw a punch when he knows the erased time was going backward thus wouldnt end when the punch lnded? a
>A quote or hard evidence that doesn't suffer from a few inconsistencies is never going to be found. As you mentioned earlier the confusing nature of King Crimson is a meme. Equally most instances that could be used as evidence aren't as clear cut as you think, as any explanations from either Eficiente or me show.
Once again, the only inconsistencies are the nonexistent and baseless assumptions that he cant, when in fact, he shown he can. They're clear cut and your explanations along with EFi are actually straight up impossible in some cases and require an awful lot of assumptions and ignore context. So yes, an actual statement would be nice otherwise you and Efi jumping through hoops to make sense of it (while makig assumptions that are blatantly false like multi-skip in the narancia scene) arent goingto cut it, trying with extreme difficulty to make sense of the scenes to fit the notion he cant harm others aint gonna cut it because that notion doesnt exist.