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Yeah this is happening again and im asking this because of what was mentioned in this mess of a thread . It was closed before I could continue, so im taking this to its own thread.
This is about the functions of energies once they are equalized in a vs match-up. Why is it that when we equalize an energy with another energy (like if we equalize Chakra with Magic or Ki with Reiatsu), we don't treat the equalized energy as being exactly the same as the energy its being pitted against but instead just some 2.0 knock-off? What actual justificatio do we have for doing this? Because from how I am seeing this, this comes off as being very selective on what qualities the equalized energies would and wouldn't share, making it cherry picking to support or oppose one side when it's most convienent. This is what I originally said in the thread I linked about this issue:
"Well then this is a problem from what im looking at because if we're equalizing energies here, Ravens power is Reiatsu. We can't just remove the qualities of equalized energies for one side but keep it for another. That is cherry picking to make it more convienent for one side of a match. If Raven's energy = Reiatsu then her energy needs to be treated exactly the same as it."
Basically to sum up my question, if there is an energy from a verse that has a special quality about it where characters get powers just by having the energy in their Possession, and that energy gets equalized with another verses's energy in a vs-match, why are we making it so that the opposing energy gets selectively equalized in only some aspects rather than all of them? Now, in the same thread I linked, users did give me a reply to this that i'll post below:
Reply 1:
"Because we not gave Raven Reiatsu, she merely can interact with Reiatsu, if we gave her reiasu she have all of these by default
>Pseudo-flight, Spiritual Awareness , Extrasensory Perception, Aura and Resistance to Soul Manipulation
So this become Ichigo vs fanfic Raven, In fact anyone who fight bleach people will have all of that by default, so it become fanfic ur fav vs bleach chars."
Reply 2:
"There isn't any problem here with not equalising resistances or abilities granted by the energy. If we were to grant someone powers they don't have through verse equal, specifically something their energy has not shown an equivalent to, then we have a problem."
My Responses to that
This is where it leaves off before I could try and reply to these points. Now reading these, there are 2 problems I have with those responses. The first of which concerns the text I bolded out in Reply 2. Apparently we don't give verses powers via energy equalization but the thing is, in a way, we do grant verses powers and/or capabilities that they would never actually have without verse equalization being a way around it. I'll use Naruto and Dragon Ball as 2 examples, first Naruto as it's a very big offender of this when it comes to energies equalized.
Naruto characters here are able to use Genjutsu on any other character that has their verses energy equalized with chakra because if we didn't do that, all Genjutsu besides the Infinite Tsukuyomi would be completely useless in a vs match. Why? Because Chakra in the Naruto world is strictly limited to the unique chakra network its characters have and without a chakra network, majority of genjutsu isn't able to be used on an opponent. And Naruto has been one of the biggest complications in the past when it had come to this topic since normally you'd have to debate if one verses energy is the same as another ones in order to claim genjutsu can work. But with our standards on here, chakra is able to be the same as other energy sources from approrpiate verses to allow Genjutsu in itself to work. So in this format, we have and currently still do allow verses to have things they wouldnt actually have without verses equalization. In Naruto's case, not only does this allow them to use Genjutsu on characters that dont have a chakra network, this also makes a significant amount of characters and verses automatically vulnerable to Genjutsu to the point where they would need resistance to mind manipulation in order to dispel it or otherwise. Genjutsu also isnt the only thing from Naruto that would also get a boost from energies being equal. Other things in the verse like the Byakugan's Gentle Fist hitting chakra points, TSB's, Chakra sensing, and maybe Rinnegan abilities would also benefit from this standard.
Dragon Ball doesn't get as much benefits from equalizing energies if memory serves me, but it gets some nonetheless as well. Like the Gods of Destruction being un-perceivable by characters without a godly-based energy like God-Ki, characters being able to use KI sensing on non-Ki users, nullifying non-KI energy based attacks via making them the same as KI, etc.
So when it comes down to this, the saying of "we don't give abilities to characters energies through energy equalization" is very wrong. We do. And if we're going to allow an energies abilities to work on verses whose energy is completely different, why can't we give energies the same abilities as each other when we equalize them? I have yet to see an explicit explanation that says we cant or rather shouldn't, so this returns to my previous point that selectively allowing what gets applied to what when equalizing energies is made up, selective, cherry picking, and based around convenience to help or go against characters in a fight. This is like saying Speed Equalization needs to be changed to only certain aspects of speed being equalized, like if we equalize reaction speed but not combat speed. Or saying needing to get rid of it all together since it should be ridiculous to make characters who move as low as FTL to as high as Immeasurable the same exact speed as subsonic characters, yet we currently do this. Literally ALL. THE. TIME. And not a single person here on this site bats an eye at this standard being a thing.
As for the "only interact" point in Reply 1, this looks just as made up and selective as well. Energies only being allowed to Interact with each other, even though they are next to if not completely different? And if we're allowing them to interact, to what established extent? Literally none of this has been explained or made clear and if nothing else this is just as "fan-fictional" as giving other verse's energies abilities they dont normally have otherwise without energy equalization...which again, we already do currently.
So as far as im concerned, if energies are being equalized, they need to be given both the pros and the cons as each other instead of just picking and choosing what gets applied and what doesn't. Unless there's a really good explanation on why we shouldnt do this.
This is about the functions of energies once they are equalized in a vs match-up. Why is it that when we equalize an energy with another energy (like if we equalize Chakra with Magic or Ki with Reiatsu), we don't treat the equalized energy as being exactly the same as the energy its being pitted against but instead just some 2.0 knock-off? What actual justificatio do we have for doing this? Because from how I am seeing this, this comes off as being very selective on what qualities the equalized energies would and wouldn't share, making it cherry picking to support or oppose one side when it's most convienent. This is what I originally said in the thread I linked about this issue:
"Well then this is a problem from what im looking at because if we're equalizing energies here, Ravens power is Reiatsu. We can't just remove the qualities of equalized energies for one side but keep it for another. That is cherry picking to make it more convienent for one side of a match. If Raven's energy = Reiatsu then her energy needs to be treated exactly the same as it."
Basically to sum up my question, if there is an energy from a verse that has a special quality about it where characters get powers just by having the energy in their Possession, and that energy gets equalized with another verses's energy in a vs-match, why are we making it so that the opposing energy gets selectively equalized in only some aspects rather than all of them? Now, in the same thread I linked, users did give me a reply to this that i'll post below:
Reply 1:
"Because we not gave Raven Reiatsu, she merely can interact with Reiatsu, if we gave her reiasu she have all of these by default
>Pseudo-flight, Spiritual Awareness , Extrasensory Perception, Aura and Resistance to Soul Manipulation
So this become Ichigo vs fanfic Raven, In fact anyone who fight bleach people will have all of that by default, so it become fanfic ur fav vs bleach chars."
Reply 2:
"There isn't any problem here with not equalising resistances or abilities granted by the energy. If we were to grant someone powers they don't have through verse equal, specifically something their energy has not shown an equivalent to, then we have a problem."
My Responses to that
This is where it leaves off before I could try and reply to these points. Now reading these, there are 2 problems I have with those responses. The first of which concerns the text I bolded out in Reply 2. Apparently we don't give verses powers via energy equalization but the thing is, in a way, we do grant verses powers and/or capabilities that they would never actually have without verse equalization being a way around it. I'll use Naruto and Dragon Ball as 2 examples, first Naruto as it's a very big offender of this when it comes to energies equalized.
Naruto characters here are able to use Genjutsu on any other character that has their verses energy equalized with chakra because if we didn't do that, all Genjutsu besides the Infinite Tsukuyomi would be completely useless in a vs match. Why? Because Chakra in the Naruto world is strictly limited to the unique chakra network its characters have and without a chakra network, majority of genjutsu isn't able to be used on an opponent. And Naruto has been one of the biggest complications in the past when it had come to this topic since normally you'd have to debate if one verses energy is the same as another ones in order to claim genjutsu can work. But with our standards on here, chakra is able to be the same as other energy sources from approrpiate verses to allow Genjutsu in itself to work. So in this format, we have and currently still do allow verses to have things they wouldnt actually have without verses equalization. In Naruto's case, not only does this allow them to use Genjutsu on characters that dont have a chakra network, this also makes a significant amount of characters and verses automatically vulnerable to Genjutsu to the point where they would need resistance to mind manipulation in order to dispel it or otherwise. Genjutsu also isnt the only thing from Naruto that would also get a boost from energies being equal. Other things in the verse like the Byakugan's Gentle Fist hitting chakra points, TSB's, Chakra sensing, and maybe Rinnegan abilities would also benefit from this standard.
Dragon Ball doesn't get as much benefits from equalizing energies if memory serves me, but it gets some nonetheless as well. Like the Gods of Destruction being un-perceivable by characters without a godly-based energy like God-Ki, characters being able to use KI sensing on non-Ki users, nullifying non-KI energy based attacks via making them the same as KI, etc.
So when it comes down to this, the saying of "we don't give abilities to characters energies through energy equalization" is very wrong. We do. And if we're going to allow an energies abilities to work on verses whose energy is completely different, why can't we give energies the same abilities as each other when we equalize them? I have yet to see an explicit explanation that says we cant or rather shouldn't, so this returns to my previous point that selectively allowing what gets applied to what when equalizing energies is made up, selective, cherry picking, and based around convenience to help or go against characters in a fight. This is like saying Speed Equalization needs to be changed to only certain aspects of speed being equalized, like if we equalize reaction speed but not combat speed. Or saying needing to get rid of it all together since it should be ridiculous to make characters who move as low as FTL to as high as Immeasurable the same exact speed as subsonic characters, yet we currently do this. Literally ALL. THE. TIME. And not a single person here on this site bats an eye at this standard being a thing.
As for the "only interact" point in Reply 1, this looks just as made up and selective as well. Energies only being allowed to Interact with each other, even though they are next to if not completely different? And if we're allowing them to interact, to what established extent? Literally none of this has been explained or made clear and if nothing else this is just as "fan-fictional" as giving other verse's energies abilities they dont normally have otherwise without energy equalization...which again, we already do currently.
So as far as im concerned, if energies are being equalized, they need to be given both the pros and the cons as each other instead of just picking and choosing what gets applied and what doesn't. Unless there's a really good explanation on why we shouldnt do this.