FanofRPGs said this:
"1. Movies will not count, not even the Garlic Jr movie, because Toriyama says each one takes place in their own "dimensions" in some interview
2. Boohan's Vice Shout is actually a quantifiable energy feat, because it is stated to be of the same nature of Boo's whole screaming ability which is stated to be from his own brute power in the Daizenshuus. The feat is technically calculable using the worm hole metric (real thing, search it up) and the nature of the hole in dimensions which Boo creates fits the descriptions of a worm hole. The one he did in the time chamber is 4-B, so this one is likely 3-B or so. The problem is that the math required for the wormhole metric is that it required knowledge of 4-D polar equations, schwarzchild mechanics, and Stokes theorem, which are third semester calculus level topics.
3. Ignore the calc for Goku shaking the afterlife and take the feat at face value. Nevermind the fact that your AP scale requirements for 4-A and up is absurdedly stringent, inflated, and is the equivalent of asking for the atomization values for the Sun to be the benchmark of 4-C, the calc assumes a low end conservative number (the Observable Universe) and to get a blatant high end 3-B feat (which it is, take it from a guy going through the motions who is gonna be a physics major) and try to quantify it to merely galaxy level is absurd. Goku would be 3-B for shaking the afterlife. For the record, here is a 1-foe explosion M82-SN-panel-Guido
Now imagine that times 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000-800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
4. The Cooler feat should not be using Sun's GBE + Inverse Square Law, use a formula pertaining to the energy of a solar flare and ISL off of that. It would be a lot more accurate as the Sun was not destroyed, and using it's GBE implies it was destroyed
5. If he doesn't already, give adaptation to SSJ4 Goku
6. Include the feat of base Vegetto pushing off Boo's attack which was equal to the energy of every planet and star he has destroyed over the eons, which would include all the galaxies he had erased over time, go off at once. That is a 3-C/3-B feat I would assume, as that would include the black holes at the center of the galaxy."
They also said this: "I will get to SSJ's multiplier next, because that's a whole new can of worms I think I can solve out."
Don't hurt me pls I'm just a messenger aaa