Okay. I just reread the first part of the thread. Let me give an example here, it may also illustrate Dargoo's point.
You know me as "Sera EX". Let's say my real name was "Sera Conner" and Sera EX is a VSBW personality. The only difference between Sera Conner and Sera EX is that EX is "technically", by the most basic of basic definitions, an "original fictional character", since it's a fictitious persona adopted by Sera Conner to review vs debates.
So far we've established that Sera Conner is the real person and Sera EX is the persona reviewing vs debates.
Now Sera EX runs a miniseries for x-amount of episodes called "Sera vs. the World" in which Sera EX fights the various characters in the fights she reviewed. Now, ignoring the fact that she's fighting already established characters and the power scaling inconsistency that would come from that, would you say Sera EX deserves a profile? She fits the bill of "fictional character" since she's just a persona, and also comes from a series with technical (really just borderline) continuity and canon?
The answer is no. Why? Because she's just Sera EX the reviewer...who is literally just Sera Conner reviewing vs debates... fighting characters in a web series...about Sera EX reviewing vs debates...who is literally just a persona of Sera Conner, and it goes on and on. It's a persona that lacks the logical consistency (things like backstory, lore, alternative setting, etc.) of being an actual character to denote that it's permissible.
That's nowhere near comparable to something like SCP.
As Dargoo said, this had been made far more complicated than it's supposed to be. I'm guessing we need to have a talk about "What is a character"? And the difference between a character and a persona, as well as the fact that "continual nonsense", is still nonsense.
There is a reason we don't allow profiles for Cereal mascots based off the commercials, no matter if the commercial has continuity and features a fictional character. Yes continuity is very important, I may even say the bedrock of a fictional universe, but we have to remember the initial differences between a character like Monkey D. Luffy and Tony the Tiger.
"I can tell I'm in the minority here on trying to keep a lid on the amount of gag collections, fanfiction, and meme profiles we let slip onto the site, but don't try and critique me for explaining how I think these profiles are a determent to the site as a whole. Trying to discount these profiles by our own flawed regulations has historically failed. We need new regulations, which is what I'm arguing."- Dargoo Faust
Again, veteran opinion should not be dismissed as elitist or pseudo-intellectual, especially when it's based on the wikia's own history. We need new standards, that's what we need to discuss, lest our fandom be reduced to a meme.