Item#: SCP-1010
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedure: SCP-1010 is to be remotely monitored from Extratemporal Site 000 for any time or narrative anomaly. Any attempts by Foundation agents to intervene with SCP-1010 is currently strictly forbidden. Disobedience is ground for termination. As the welder of SCP-1010-A will attempt to keep their powers and the events of SCP-1010 hidden, the simple observation of SCP-1010 has bee determined enough to prevent a Broken Masquerade scenario, although as the risk of another ZK-Class End-of-reality scenario caused by SCP-1010 still exists, ways of permanently containing or terminating SCP-1010 are still being sought.
Description: SCP-1010 refers to a group of humans comprising the Literature Club of the high school of [REDACTED], Japan. SCP-1010 is currently composed out of five individuals, classified as SCP-1010-01 to SCP-1010-05. Regardless of the composition of SCP-1010, the member of the group chosen as the "President" of SCP-1010 will be affected by a phenomena known as SCP-1010-A.
SCP-1010-01 is an 18 years old human female of Japanese ethnicity known as Sayori [REDACTED]. SCP-1010 is the entity currently considered the "Vice-President" of SCP-1010, albeit this position has no known relations to SCP-1010-A. Outside of clinical depression, SCP-1010-01 shows no unusual or anomalous properties.
SCP-1010-02 is an 18 years old human female of unknown ethnicity known as Monika [REDACTED]. SCP-1010-02 is the entity currently considered the President of SCP-1010, making it the current victim of SCP-1010-A. Outside of the effects of SCP-1010-A, SCP-1010-02 has shown no unusual or anomalous properties.
SCP-1010-03 is an 18 years old human female of Japanese ethnicity known as Yuri [REDACTED]. SCP-1010-03 holds no special position in SCP-1010 and has no relations to SCP-1010-A. Outside of semi-common occurrences of self-harm, SCP-1010-03 has shown no unusual or anomalous properties.
SCP-1010-04 is an 18 years old human female of Japanese ethnicity known as Natsuki [REDACTED]. SCP-1010-03 holds no special position in SCP-1010 and has no relations to SCP-1010-A. Outside of malnutrition, SCP-1010-04 has shown no unusual or anomalous properties.
SCP-1010-05 is an 18 years old human male of Japanese ethnicity. Unlike other members of SCP-1010, SCP-1010-05's name and behavior vary due to the effects of SCP-1010-A or due to its own ability to manipulate time to a limited degree. SCP-1010-05 does not appear to be aware of said ability nor of its change of name, however. In addition, SCP-1010-05 is the prime target of affection from the wielders of SCP-1010-A.
When a human is assigned the role of "President" of SCP-1010, he/she will be affected by SCP-1010-A. The first signs of SCP-1010-A manifest as distress expressed by the subject and mild depression in some case. In the days following the event, the subject will start to develop and experiment with extremely powerful reality-bending abilities. The scale and versatility varies on each individual, but they usually include the ability to manipulate time, the capacity to affect one's mind, the creation and destruction of alternate timelines, the capacity to erase beings from time itself and even to manipulate the very narrative of the world, changing the events of one or more timeline to follow a predeterminate path.
Notably, the wielders SCP-1010-A seem to be immune to most effects they can manifest, making the use of other SCP Objects to destroy SCP-1010 impossible. The wielders of SCP-1010-A have also shown the ability to erase any damage they receive and can exist even if their physical body is erased.
SCP-1010-A will cause its victim to develop an obsession with SCP-1010-05. Although most welders will start by using basic and non-anomalous methods to seduce SCP-1010-05, all attempts at gaining the full affection of SCP-1010-05 through these methods have failed, forcing the welders to take advantage of the reality-bending powers given by SCP-1010-A in order to achieve this goal.
Observations taken from Extratemporal Site 000 has shown that several power struggles between the welders of SCP-1010-A and SCP-1010-05 took place over at least 54 timelines. These include several temporal resets, the erasure of several members of SCP-1010 and, at one point, even a temporary Class ZK-Clas End-of-reality scenario caused by SCP-1010-02. In addition, previous welders of SCP-1010-A appear to be able to keep their powers if they are erased, even if another "President" is named, due to the previous President having been erased from history. This fact was used by the original and current welder of SCP-1010-A, SCP-1010-02, to overthrow SCP-1010-01 when the latter had inherited SCP-1010-A following an attempt by SCP-1010-02 to self-terminate.
Do note that SCP-1010-A will manifest even if SCP-1010 has not been recognized as an official club by the school yet, although its effects first manifest only when the club was first formed.
Approaching any members of SCP-1010 is currently impossible to do by any SCP Foundation members, as the current welder of SCP-1010-A has always prevented outside intervention by the use of narrative-affecting abilities or the erasure of any group or individuals set up to intervene with SCP-1010. As the risk of the entire Foundation being expunged from history itself is a non-zero risk, all attempts at containing SCP-1010 has been put on hold for the time being.