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Durability wise? Yes. But i am mostly talking about attack potency. Base Blaz's AP wouldn't scale to 8-C beacuse he physically can't hurt the panzerhunds nor any other robotic enemies. He can only kill them with his large arsenal of weapons.Isn't the explosion I calculated good for scaling Blaz?
Base Blaz barely has any good AP feats. Best i can scale him is 9-A via him being able to one shot Kampfhunds which can canonically casually tank sniper bullets. We know bullets from heavier weapons from Wolfenstein are 9-A via Kilgorethecouch's calc:
Anyway, for durability you could argue base Blaz to be 8-B. He can tank attacks from all the robotic enemies in gameplay and in scripted scenes (altough he usually gets pretty ****** up after each hit). The robotic enemies from The Old Blood and The New Order should somewhat scale to robots from The New Colossus and Youngblood who can all tank Ubergewehr and fully charged Laserkraftwerk shots. The robots can also all hurt each other as shown many times in game.
As i said base Blaz can't hurt any robotic enemies physically with his strenght. My proposition is that base Blaz should have a way bigger durability than his AP. That being 9-A Attack Potency with 8-B Durability. But this should be further discussed. As there are some inconsistencies in Wolfenstein scaling. I'd like to hear what you think.