[@Llama come! Join us!]
[Also, still waiting for the moment that Avenger corrupts the river and makes it flow through London like Alucard's just released Level 0, and Assassin Anti-City's the city, and London is just wiped off the map...]
[Because a city is collateral]
[Also, just to keep my Master in the loop]
Lancer! I get a telepathic message
Ah, hello Master.
What the hell is going on! There' a crater that probably goes to the earth's core in the middle of London!
Yes, that would be Archer. He attempted to use a Broken Phantasm to kill Assassin, and failed. Speaking of which, I have allied with Assassin.
Allied!! You can't ally with another servant, this is a battle royale! With only 6 servants left!
Don't worry. I'm confident in my ability to kill her when necessary. Hopefully that won't be until some of the others are dead. I would prefer to make use of her as much as possible.
Very well. Just be careful.
Of course Master. On my word, you shall have the Grail. Now, how goes the production of spy familiars?
Not well I'm afraid. Most of my employees' efforts were disrupted by the explosion.
Pity. How long then?
I can get you 3 by the end of the day.
That's acceptable. One servant is already dead, and I'm currently with Assassin. Have them fly as high as they are able in several different, then have them loop the areas. Should any of them spy a servant, or be destroyed, notify me of which one and where immediately.
Willl do.
Also, just in case, be ready for me to say "warp" and use a command seal to teleport me to you, no matter what you are doing. I'll notify you when I'm getting into a fight so you can be ready, but just be aware I might need an escape quite suddenly.
The communications stop, and I look around from where I'm sitting on Buckingham Palace's throne. There's a few piles of ash on the ground in places from where I dragged people into my Marble and incinerated them [with the basic flames] and ate their souls. I cleared out the rest of the palace. There were a few mage guards, but I dragged them into my Reality Marble and incinerated them before eating their souls. None should have got off any messages.
Assassin split off from me after massacring the church. I sit down and finely tune my senses, focussing on sensing the presence of everything within the surrounding hundred metres. Even with PC, there should still be a slight tell when she enters the area I can sense.