Voting has closed.
With 30 voters and 11 matches (Including Jimmy's submission), we are moving onto the final round. Here are our champions!
The first and last kings of men, Gilgamesh vs The Emperor of Mankind!
The runners of opposite diets, Sportacus vs Pepsiman!
The world's strongest men, Akuma vs Yujiro Hanma!
The heroes with the strength of Greece's pantheon, Shazam vs Pegasus Seiya!
The Ultimate Lifeforms, Meruem vs Kars!
The ones hiding in plain sight, The Thing vs The Impostor!
The silent masked murderers, Jason Voorhees vs Michael Meyers!
The Psychic Powerhouse Prodigies, Ness vs Raz!
The replicas beyond mere perfection, Cell vs Copy X!
The men with unbreakable wills, Kyle Rayner vs Simon the Digger!
And, our surprise entry, the not-quite-biblical heroes, Larryboy vs Bibleman!
I will set up the next poll as soon as possible.