Yes, but 3d, 4d, 5d, 6d beings reside in the same "fictional" realm/setting, which consists of a concatenation of quantitative differences, on the other hand, in the new tier system one of the requirements for an "outer" place to be valid, is that it be inaccessible to those below, due to the fact that a qualitative difference implies that it cannot be reached with a concatenation of pieces of the "non-outer" plane.
That is, if a non-outer being reaches an outer by its own means, paradoxically it would be debunking itself, since by reaching that "outer place", it is demonstrating that there is no qualitative difference between the two places, therefore the supposed "outer" was never "outer" in the first place.
Anyway, it would be better to wait for an admin, either Ultima or Qawfsed who are the most informed in high tiers.