You know, call me a TF boomer (or whatever the equivalent of what I am is, maybe Gen X), but I swear the amount of creativity in the TF brand has taken an enormous dip recently and that's why I'm not that into it anymore.
I mean take anything from the early 2000s to the early-to-mid 2010s and while sure, the G1 nostalgia wave was hitting hard, you had all sorts of things taking the franchise in all sorts of interesting directions. First the Unicron trilogy, then the movies kicked off, ballooning the popularity, which led directly to stuff like Animated and Prime. The Cybertron games were killing it, comics were beloved by most after the Dreamwave fiasco had blown over.
Now it just feels like everything is either G1 or trying to ape it. Last few cartoon series we've gotten have been low-budget Netflix faff, no proper games since Devastation, etc. I mean I get that G1 is always going to be a bedrock of the franchise, but personally I liked it better when the margin between it and everything else was closer to 1:1, and not 9:1.