Oh right also about some of the multipliers
After doing some research I found out that in Japanese 以上 (Ijō) actually means "or more" and not "more than". So if a multiplier says 3倍以上 it actually means 3 or more times rather than more than 3 times. So yeah small downgrade to some of the multipliers but its not really noticeable.
Also thinking about it now isn't
Ruebe's statement about his power talking about Rosso and Blu's combined power being 4 or more times greater rather than them individually? Cause both Rosso and Blu were like individually weaker than Grigio Bone but Ruebe stomped Grigio King who is 4x stronger than Grigio Bone. So isn't Ruebe's statement likely referring to them combined being 4x stronger rather than individually?
Oh right also I found statements about Rosso and Blu's combined techniques.
Flame-Aqua Hybrid Shoot is 3x stronger than their individual beams
Twin Break Bomber is 3 or more times stronger than their individual punches
Twin Strike Kick is several (at least 3) times stronger than their individual kicks
Twin Drop Kick is 5x stronger than their individual kicks
So yeah outside of the Twin Drop Kick (Which seems to be higher due to it being them using two foot instead of one) it seems like all of Rosso and Blu's combination techniques are around 3x their individual power. So that's an upgrade to Orb Dark and Orb Origin and anybody that scales to them as Orb Dark outright overpowered one of their combined technique.
And this further supports Ruebe being 4x stronger than the two of them combined and not individually as Grigio King overpowered the Triple Origium Beam which is Rosso + Blu + Orb Origin. And we know this is the full power of Orb Origin as Orb Dark is stated to be equal to Orb Origin and Orb Dark uses the Orb Ring NEO to transform which is also what Rosso and Blu use to activate this technique. Basically
Grigio King 4x> Grigio Bone > Rosso = Blu
Orb Origin = Orb Dark > Rosso + Blu's combination techniques 3x> Rosso = Blu
Ruebe >> Grigio King > Triple Origium Beam = Rosso + Blu + Orb Origin (3x Rosso or Blu) (Basically 5x Rosso or Blu)
And summing it up
1x Rosso or Blu = Rosso, Blu, Geed, X, Orb
1.25x Rosso or Blu = Grigio Bone
3x Rosso or Blu = Rosso Ground, Blu Ground, Post-Ultraman Geed Orb, Orb Dark, Rosso + Blu Combination Techniques
4x Rosso or Blu = Ginga, Victory, Dark Lugiel, Etelgar, Ultra Dark-Killer
5x Rosso or Blu = Grigio King and Triple Origium Beam
8x Rosso or Blu = Ruebe