I just think now there's just some logical problems in assuming that TE means events are unreal, as well as a lack of convincing case for that claim. There's just multiple equally valid ways to interpret all the evidence that don't lead to these problems, so why would I accept that premise?
Being unreasonably skeptical despite being blatantly obvious and is like, his whole thing, is a you issue my dude,
I have seen no good argument for that claim so I'm skeptical amd the claims that its obvious have holess. Any honest interlocutor should do that.
it'd be like being skeptical if Made in Heaven actually manipulated gravity because it accelerated time as a byproduct of that gravity manip.
I have no clue how you think this is analogous, but this is irrelevant to the claim that claims about another ability are unjustified.
Profile says multiple times that he erases time, actions don't happen, etc.
Could you actually show that? So far it seems like best you can do is its accepted to erase, but it never actually states that events are considered to not exist.
Erasure can have many interpretations, and you haven't shown anything that would prove this specific one is accepted.
What? You realize that time "skip" is the hyperbole right and what he's actually doing is deleting time itself right?
Uh no? What reason could you give me to believe that skipping isn't an accurate way to describe it if it's stated to be a simple way to put it? I have no reason to believe it's hyperbolic (Which i never actually claimed "Erasure" was to be clear). Erasure can just be used as synonymous with skipping in this context, you'd need to give a reason to believe otherwise especially when it's contextualized by being a skip.
This also doesn't address my argument that the examples given in the Vell shit are just blatantly inconsistent with the events not happening. How can you read a book and then not read a book (Due to the events not being real) within the time erase at the same time. That's blatantly contradictory.
As explicitly noted as far back as his Stats (among other times but that's a non-character view statement by an omniscient narrator within the manga itself; which make a point of saying "he skips time, to be precise he's actually deleting it lmao"
You couldn't prove it's saying "It deletes it to the point the events aren't real." Simply saying, it 'erases it" is not proof enough given the inherent vagueness of the usage, and the fact that Erasure in context is supposed to be boiled down to skipping.
Skipping is still meant to be an accurate way to conceive of the Time Erase, as that's just what it means to say "simply put, this ability skips through time." Skipping is directly meant to be accurate, but when going more in depth, they use the word erasure. This should tell you that erasure doesn't in this context mean what you think it does, if it did, Skipping wouldn't be an accurate way to simplify things.
My interpretation is better simply because it doesn't lead to any contradictions like the ones I previously pointed out.
The fact it clarified the mechanics on what he's actually doing after saying he "skips" time should be where the debate ended. The fact the actual kanji used is more explicit too and is a destructive word akin to annihilates or destroys, is even more telling.
Again, you couldn't prove the interpretation that it's saying it deletes events, and you never reconciled the contradictions I raised with such an interpretation. That's where the debate lies.
All the Kanji proves is that the word usage is destroyed. It doesn't prove the events are unreal, nor skipping being inaccurate. If skipping was an inaccurate way to put it, it wouldn't say skipping is a simpler way to think of the ability.
No you didn't? The scan I just posted was Vel?
I'm under the impression that all the stand stat shi come from vel, but this isn't really relevant so whatev.
Ok maybe the issue here is what we define as "real", let me be more precise than, the events "don't happen", is that better?
There's no distinction here. I get that it's easier phraseology to use, but there's no meaningful distinction between saying the events aren't real and saying they didn't happen. Imma keep using my phraseology.
And that IS accepted, it's why he has causality manipulation, he deletes the cause, leaving only the result.
The cause, the process, of say attacking, did not happen. Idk why you're saying that's how we accept it when we literally don't and he has several abilities based around how we don't accept what you say.
I claimed that it wasn't accepted because we seem to describe the ability in a way that is inconsistent with the events not actually being real, such as all the descriptions in the notable technique sections. It still also uses the erasure terminology which i'm still hesitant about.
Nobody would have any reason to think that the events are literally unreal as claimed here by reading that profile.
That's why the profle says time and time again he deletes time of the world?
Time Erasure and
Causality Manipulation (King Crimson can
erase up to ten seconds of time,
removing space in the process.
With this it allows him to erase all the process of the actions done in the erased time, leaving only its results)"
He explicitly erases actions, they do not happen, only the result once time resumes happen. This is accepted.
Again, the erasure terminology is unclear here and no attempt in the justification is found to actually figure out what it means. The fact that the terminology is so unclear and the fact we accept things that contradict such an interpretation is why I claimed what I claimed.
No reasonable person would look at this and deduce the meaning to be "All the events are completely unreal." You need more justification for that than this.
Why do you think they don't, they've been erased my dude
Because if they didn't happen, then the person in the example given by the stand stats both reads the book (Stated to databook) and didn't read the book (There are no real events within erased time apparently, which means there is no reading) at the same time. There is a contradiction entailed by your interpretation that you haven't addressed.
It was proof time is legitimately not there, vanished, gone, buh bye.
Uh ok?
How does this offer a defeater to the idea that actions are real within a time erase? Even if i granted you time is literally just not there, i'd need another reason to think this applies to actions not being real, there are multiple ways you could take this without actions being unreal. It could just be a literal world without time, but actions are still there. You have no reason to accept one over the other.
But, why do you think actions don't have meaning? Time is gone, everything that happens between Point A and Point B don't have meaning because they've been deleted leaving only the results after the fact
You'd need to prove that and I have no reason to accept that. It doesn't follow from the fact that PA to PB have no meaning means they didn't actually happen.
It can just mean they didn't hurt Diavolo or sum. This isn't an actual proof.
The fact there's a distinction is it saying they don't happen my dude, they aren't even actually there, surely you seen the like 5 images posted that say "yeah, what he's seeing when his ability active is actually just images", which we also accept
No? The fact theres a meaningful distinction between meaningful and meaningless entails it's real, as it simply means there is an attack that could or could not have been successful. The fact that there's such a criterion entails the attack exists.
A nonexistent attack can't fail or not fail to do something, they don't exist.
You could point to nowhere in the profile that says what DIavolo sees are actually unreal holograms or whatever.
During this period, Diavolo can see all actions (human or otherwise) that would have taken place from its activation to the end superimposed onto the world around him. Whilst everyone is unable to change their fate, Diavolo can freely move around as he pleases, often putting himself in a better position based on the aforementioned actions (though, it's important to note that Diavolo not only never interacts with others but is also exempt from attacks as well)."
That should be a red flag to you, if what he's seeing isn't actually the people and attacks, but just images of them overlaid around him, what makes you think it's actually happening if the people doing them aren't even actually being seen?
Like yes, of course, nobody remembers actions they took, but you're taking the fact it says actions at all and missing the whole reason WHY they don't remember,
it's because the time in which the actions transpired were deleted. Kinda missing the forest for the tree here.
You could not prove any of that. You couldn't prove that he
doesn't actually see Bruno there, he never says that, what he says is that he can forecast the trails of Bruno's movement, which literally doesn't prove he
isn't seeing Bruno.
You have no justification for claiming the reason he phases through things or the reason people do not remember is because of the fact the attacks simply didn't happen, and there are far too many unaddressed problems with that to actually accept rn.
The fact that they don't remember the attacks means there were attacks in erased time, as that's just what it means to say you don't remember something. Nonexsistent things can't have properties like being meaningless or being forgotten, you can't attach properties to nothingness, as that would make it not nothing by definition. The fact the databooks can even predicate on the properties of the erased attacks means they are real.
Anyway, is this because of time stop right? Why the hell would time stop work in a world without time?
Bend time works in the void which is timeless
Also, unless you think the passage of events that Diavolo happens without time, how can Time Erase be literally timeless?