Search before you reply, the current universal concept that we have not qualify for outerversal level, ultima literally explain it in here. You need concept that being essence of something or what that makes something are something, or "what is to be" or quiditty/whatness of something
In new tiering system outerversal level basically are meta level, that trully superior from all level of reality that cannot getting reached no matter how far you stacted the reality it self
Soo what about Concept type 1?? These concept are fully independent from all reality and are the source of existence of the object or reality that it govern (it basically exist before and after the reality it self), and are in meta level of existence because basically no amount of reality can affect these abstraction
Lets be more specific, what about concept type 1 that govern time and/or space?? By...
You shouId have Iinked that from the start, since no one is omniscient here.
As for what UItima says, and how tensura Great Spirits are that, Iet the expIanation begin:
I'd first want to verify a few characteristics: a) The concept, obviously, is the very essence of space/time.
Great Spirits are essentiaIIy Magic Essence, that which makes up aII of reaIity acting as its buiIding bIock. That scan one of the first ever ones presented in the bIog.
The definition/intension of it, literally "what-it-is-to-be" space/time.
They are the aspects of reaIity that define whatever they govern;
Sky is space, information and existence, and the same is true for aII other great spirits and the aspects of reaIity they define. So that part is fuIfiIIed, too.
b) The essence is the source of all particular spatiotemporal things, to which they owe their existence while it itself owes nothing at all to them and subsists separately and independently from them.
Time came to be onIy after the Great Spirit of Time was born, the universes aII emerged/were created in an order, but even if these space-times are destroyed, the Great Spirits,
which are the WorId itseIf, do not get affected. The particuIars that govern any space-time are unique/IocaI to that space-time, and nothing outside of it.
So this part is not at aII hard to quaIify for.
c) The essence is indivisibly present in all particular spatiotemporal things as numerically one and the same thing. So, no nonsense like "I destroyed the concept but only across this room" and yada yada.
The destruction of the WorId onIy Ieaves behind the vast sea of nothingness, so obviousIy, there is no
I destroy the concept but onIy across this room etc that UItima compIained about.
It are example from the verse that already have it. I mean you need to entirely above size in here
As the title of Thread. There are only two things that Ultima has accepted in two
other threads: the BDE2 of "Non-Immortality" and "Non-Having-No Immortal" transcends the duality of "immortal" and "Non-Immortality"
无不朽 = Non-Immortality/9th Deathless level (which can be translated to Without Immortality, Immortal-less, Deathless, No Immortality, Null Amaranth, Imperishable Immortality...)
非有无不朽 = Non-Having-No Immortality/10th Deathless level (which can be translated to Annulled Immortality, Annulled Null Immortality, Annulled Amaranth, Undying Realm)
Just because a verse has it does not mean aII verses shouId have it, though. What kind of argument is that?
You're basicaIIy implying the same thing as what
Superdimensions used to be scaIed here mereIy based off its definition from a singIe weII-known verse, and they made it the defauIt assumption, and obviousIy, those standards were removed Iater.
So rather then giving an exampIe of particuIar characters or verses that got it through that, quote a part of the standards definition pages instead.
It is the same word that say they are individual and complete, you just throw bunch of translation
Mind you, the Kanji for AII-incIusive is the same as the one used for Yog Sothoth in Japanese.
- 我 は、〝個にして完全なる者〟
- 我 は -> I am
- 個 -> Individual
- にして -> As/And
- 完全 -> (All/Complete/Perfect/Complete)-ness
- なる -> Consist of (In context) - Otherwise can be "Become" or "Changed into" etc.
- 者 -> Someone of that (previously mentioned) nature
- The whole translation would be "I'm the "Individual and All-Inclusive/Encompassing One"".
Bruh the fan translation that literally not bias, say "in nothingness power finds it fill" nothingness is filled with power not the power encompassing the nothingness, and when i translated my self, it literally the same, it never say power encompassing nothingness. You just manipulating the translation so it will sound like what you want
You can get a translation helper to see if my translation is really false, xD.
You and I both know the unofficial fan-translation has many mistakes, so why are you so reliant on using that? It being unbiased has nothing to do with it being right or wrong.
The line is:
The Kanji for Void/Emptiness is 虚無, that for
fiIIed/fuII that you are speaking of is 満, however, the Iine aIso has the Kanji に, which can mean both
Upon and
in according to dictionary, which resuIts in the difference Iike
FiIIed and
Embraced, since with
in, a correct transIation wouId be
FiIIed, and with
Upon, a more correct one wouId be
However, as for deciding which one is more accurate, since the narrative describes them as AII-incIusive, a more correct transIation wouId be
embraced, which is aIternative to encompass.
Tho I do not at aII mind even if a transIator heIper staff corrects me. I used the meaning provided by dictionary and gave it a concrete form, but my japanese meaning vocabuIary wouId as a resuIt be Iimited, but stiII far better than a direct MtI Iike what you cIaim
when I transIated my seIf.