Why is it that the aftermath we see has to be of a perfect perception of how the slashes occured? What I mean is, if the slashes are way faster than our perception of them (which in this case I believe they are, but sometimes we can see the slash incoming, and that's imo all done for visual flair. That's why it seems inconsitent), then there's nothing wrong here. If a civillian saw the aftermath of the slashes, they would all seem to be happening at the same time, since they can't perceive such speed. Just like how Fubuki couldn't see Genos and Sonic fighting. Or how one of the heavenly ninjas realized that
Flashy was so fast in comparison to him, that all he could perceive were several afterimages connecting, as if Flashy was in multiple places at the same time. This clearly is very analogous to the scenario you are saying is inconsistent.
Saitama was the only one to perceive it. The fact that
we see it as "twinkling star" means almost nothing. It could have been done for visual flair. You cannot know for sure. And I find it very strange that you say that it comes "from the level Void sees from his perspective". We have no evidence it spawned in the air. Literally none.
Yeah...? Or are you saying that he pulled space like a blanket over himself, completely disappeared, and STILL managed to be heard by anyone there(in this case, Blast)? Don't you agree that it makes more sense that he was heard afterwards if it was indeed more like a magic trick in order to disappear (so, he didn't teleport, just became invisible), instead of he actually folding space like that? He is a ninja, it makes perfect sense to use tricks like an illusionist, in order to deceive the opponent. And we know for a fact that he does use genjutsus, as he also managed to clone Flashy Flash's appearance in order to deceive Sonic.
So when Team Rocket from Pokémon disappear into the sky, the twinkle that goes after is not just visual flair to represent an object going far away/coming from far away, but instead, the twinkle
actually happens? You might be the only person to interpret this type of visual trope like that.
Also, it's very clear how Flashy and Blast can sense the DS. It has been touched upon multiple times that it relates to sensing God's power, and I am very confused by you not knowing this. Some of us in this thread have also been subscribing to the idea that Blast is actually capable of dilating time when charging his teleportation, yes. It seems he can activate it faster than anyone else can do anything, as he was shown to do so in order to react to Serious Punch². I find it funny you used the above example to lowball his speed while completely forgetting he was faster than Saitama's Serious Punch. Not only that, Blast activated his teleport and caught Void mid-teleportation as well, and also managed to react to DS
after it landed, activating his teleportation and still getting out of the way.
Blast doesn't need to teleport instantaneously, he only needs to
activate his teleport instantaneously, as he seems to become intangible while in the process of teleporting (the DS seemed to phase through him instead of him dodging it).
"Why wouldn't we assume Void's powers match the being he got it from?" Meanwhile in the same page you linked, Blast goes on to say "As to
what extent it ignores them..." and continues in the next page: "...depends on the capabilities of the subject"
The page you linked clearly provides evidence that God's subjects cannot use their powers to their full extent, as in the same panel, it shows God, implying only he has full capability. And yes, the action matters. You are talking about completely different actions, done by different beings. The fact that they draw from the same type of power means almost nothing. God is a being that seems to naturally
belong to a higher dimension, while Void is simply accessing one. God may not even need to "look in a bubble", it may be something completely natural to him. And that's a type of ominiscience that would make sense for a
God to have.
Void needs to use specific hand signals and other very specific abilities (such as the DS) in order to properly interact from/with a higher dimension, while God may be able to do all of this naturally, without relying on any gimmick. You have no way of knowing this, and assuming both of them interact in the same manner makes a lot less sense and is clearly a very risky assumption.
And weird that you said I'm the one comparing God walking and Void attacking, while.. you were the one who did that? You seem to be backtracking while writing, so you change your beliefs while you go and try and paint me as the one who proposed what you were defending earlier. No way you haven't noticed that you are doing this, right?
Sure, just saying something is irrelevant while it clearly relates to the subject obviously does make it irrelevant! Going by how you immediately assumed the twinkles were representations of physical objects instead of the easier to assume visual flair, and how you - and I still can't believe you really said this, but we'll get there - really did try to say that Void should've "power-slammed" the whole universe while landing after Saitama pulled him... I think it's very clear why I felt like I had to explain the purpose of that panel. At that moment, God was still sealed, so clearly that's not his full power being showcased, but at the same time, the seal was weakened. So it was a way to show how more powerful he was becoming.
Using that panel to try and judge how God interacts with reality makes no sense. We have no reason to assume that's the best he can do, or that it's the only way he can interact. Or even, that it has any relation to how Void does it. Yes, Void's powers derive from God, but God is a higher dimension being and Void isn't. They are intrinsically different, and it stands to reason that they would interact differently with reality.
The change in size happens because once Void isn't in a higher dimension, he becomes unable to use powers that ignore "energy, distance and size". That much is obvious. This is exactly why I was saying that he was
not using such powers when pulling space over himself. It is consistent that he loses that ability while outside of the higher dimension, afterall Blast stated, in the page you linked earlier, that
interference from the higher dimension where God is located ignores distance, size and energy. This means that unless Void is in a higher dimension, he cannot do such things.
And like I said, it was obviously meant to just be funny. You should not believe that Saitama has spatial manipulation
because Void didn't destroy everything while landing. He didn't do that because it wasn't meant to. Like I said, if things were as you are proposing, Saitama would need to state that he was "Making sure he doesn't destroy everything while landing" or something like that. Makes no sense. Trying to give Saitama credit for every gag is the same as trying to remove credit for every gag. If you do this here, then you'll have to propose that the mosquito in the House of Evolution arc was faster than post-training Saitama.
Void wasn't meant to destroy everything while landing, nothing like this was taken into account. If Saitama does posess spatial manipulation, which I can actually indeed get behind, it is NOT because of this single instance of Void not destroying everything.
I want to understand your take on this - do you actually believe Saitama is a gag character? If you do, then you are being consistent, this is fine. If you don't believe he is a gag character and that he merely has
some moments that are absurd and meant to be taken as a joke (like when he broke the fourth wall), then what I said still stands, because you would be contradicting yourself.
I myself do not believe Saitama is a gag character. I just think that, sometimes, he can do whatever he wants, in order to be funny. Since there's this whole narrative involving God, and that Saitama is "The abominable fist that turned against God", he is not a gag character and his powers are serious, as he needs this level of power in order to fight God.
There simply wouldn't be all this effort to justify his level of power, putting up God as an opponent that's capable of also manipulating reality, if Saitama was just meant to be an invincible gag character. Yes, Saitama is pretty much invincible in my eyes, but still not really a gag character.
There's plenty of other powerful, serious characters that have gag moments, like Whis from Dragon Ball or Goku, specially when he was a kid. Those moments do not necessarily reflect their actual abilities, but may be used to represent how much more powerful they are in a funny and absurd way, or as a way to poke fun at their seriousness. In fact, these two scenarios are usually what happen to Saitama. He's either made fun of (like not being able to catch the mosquito) or his absurd levels of power are showcased in a funny and ridiculous way (like the fart, or him entering phoenix man's dimension because he thought someone was talking about him being bald). He can definitely achieve many of the feats that are showcased in gag form, but not necessarily all of them. I definitely do not believe he actually has fourth wall awareness, for example.
If he had such awareness, we'd be hearing a lot more of this, and it would be a lot more central to his character.
Yeah, sure, I will concede on this. I shouldn't have said no one was arguing for this, as I do not represent everyone nor am I here long enough to judge how much people argued for immeasurable speed.
I was arguing about the slashing speed because I wanted to understand it better. At first I did not believe the slashing speed was infinite (and I still have many doubts, although some evidence was presented), but I became convinced Blast has some type of time dilation while charging his teleport, which makes it possible for him to teleport faster than pretty much anything or anyone. Because of this, the slashing speed is definitely faster than anyone else in the verse not named Saitama, and seems consistent with the thrusting speed.
(My reasoning is: Blast is faster than anyone else in the verse while charging his teleportation, and the only way for Blast to dodge the DS is by doing exactly that. Therefore, the slashing speed is faster than anyone else in the verse except for Saitama, but Blast managed to be faster than Saitama while charging his teleportation during the CFG fight. Therefore, this gives credence to the belief that the slashing speed may be infinite, and that the only reason Blast can dodge it, is because his charging speed is also infinite, and he may become intangible while teleporting. This also fits with the panel of the DS he dodged, in which it seems he charged faster, but didn't actually teleport faster than the slash, so it ended up phasing through him. This seems like the case because you can still see the initial point of his teleport in the middle of the slash, and he hasn't even reached his destination while the slash has already finished.
Therefore: Blast charging speed = DS slashing speed > Blast teleportation speed, however Blast becomes intangible while teleporting.
Blast is stated by Sitch to be able to manipulate space time, and his gloves generate gravitational force that has been calculated to equate to Stellar levels. Two stars colliding can dilate time, therefore when he smashes his fists together, the closer they are to colliding, the more time dilates.)
This becomes even clearer after Void states that Blast won't be able to dodge the DS anymore, since he can't teleport. This gives more credence to Blast's teleport speed being an outlier. Which makes sense considering how absurdly fast he reacted to the Serious Punch², as if he was orders of magnitude faster than both Saitama and Garou, which clearly wasn't true. If he was that fast, he could've bodied Garou easily, but he didn't.
Also, "projection sphere"? So you do not believe each sphere is a different universe? As if it's more like a crystal ball? If so,
this page clearly contradicts this.
If you are just using that word because Void can see things on it, then ok. But it does sound like you're misrepresenting it a bit by calling it that.
In the end, he said it best. I should probably stop spending so much time trying to argue right now. There will be a lot more to argue later.
I find it very difficult to argue for something that seems obvious to me without being rude about it, but I am wrong in doing so. I apologize. Specially because I am not knowledgeable enough in order to justify acting like this. I tried to be more polite in this response.