It's especially frustrating, because the manga was doing so well in the beginning of the MA arc when it came to adopting the webcomic and expanding on it while making sure to keep it serious. Like Flash vs Gale Wind and Hellfire Flame? It was a completely awesome fight that not only expanded the lore of the ninja village but also gave Flash another chance to show his stuff while also making the interactions seem natural. THAT was really a fight that kept me on the edge of my seat and desperate for the next chapter to come out.
Same goes for most of the battles between the MA cadres and S-class heroes. I enjoyed the battle with Child Emperor vs Phoenix Man, all versions of the fight, because it gave Child Emperor some growth and also expanded on Phoenix Man's abilities. Garou's fight with Darkshine was excellent and showed Garou as despair incarnate while picking apart Darkshine's ideals.
Then when everybody came up to the surface, that's where it all started to fall apart, where comedy started to overtake seriousness, characterization was tossed aside, random monsters appeared out of nowhere, and God took over the plot when it should've just focused on Garou. Now, we got characters like Garou, Sonic and Sweet Mask to an extent being treated as jokes or having their big moments taken away. Really bums a guy out.