Ah well, a deserved retirement
Thank you for the kind words of support and display of emotion! I'm only beginning to float around the idea because Vs Battles is a place I wanna end on good terms with. Feeling forced to leave due to lack of enjoyment would probably be my worst-case scenario, I'd much rather know when to call it quits and be content with what I've done for you all.
Still, it helps that the franchise's recent better direction and return to the spotlight (largely due to the movies) seems to be reinvigorating many people here; myself included.
So don't you worry. This old dog still has some new tricks up its sleeve before the final bark.
I do somewhat worry that his retirement will lead too many others to do the same though lol. I speak for myself at least. The fewer people actively engage, the less I want to engage, naturally. And Shake just has a way to make this fun in a way pretty much no one else does*
*Firstly; thank you for the very kind words, my dude! That really touched my heart, I'm glad that I can ignite a passion in some of you that I could've only hoped to share with my work. Sure, it's good to see some of this franchise's characters on a "Top 10/15 Strongest" list. And
sure, it's good to face off against characters that most people think stomp the verse into oblivion. But there's something compelling about improving pages simply for the sake of inspiring others... that's the spark I have. It's definitely the healthier, longer-lasting mindset than just competing with other verses for upgrades.
With that tangent out of the way, I need everyone to hear me on this; I'll always be here for the people who enjoy my presence, people who want a laugh, and people who just wanna chat. My work may come to an end one day, but my engagement with the people here won't; who else will pick up all the useless Sonic Question Time? KEK!
The somewhat-heartfelt rant is now OVER. I love you all, and good morning from the East Coast!