- 828
- 468
1350/124 = 10.8871
Hand length of the average woman in the US = 17.272 cm
10.8871*17.272 cm = 188.042 cm
Head circumference of the average woman in the US = 55 cm
Head width = circumference/pi
55 cm/pi = 17.507 cm
17.507 cm/188.042 cm = 10.741
Height of the average woman in the US = 162.56 cm
10.741*162.56 cm = 1746.046 cm
Bitch is at least 17.5 meters tall according to this. She's probably taller than this in reality (she definitely seems it in the scene where she bursts out of the cabin), but keep in mind that this is already slightly taller than the average height of a 5-story residential building according to this calculator. So it's definitely not small.
According to the large size calculations, this would make her 9-B via size, but we already know she's tier 8 from the destruction she causes simply by emerging from the Cabin and the hill it's resting on.
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