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Subaru Vs The Princess (Re Zero vs Slay the Princess)

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Subaru finds himself on a path in the woods. and at the end of that path, is a cabin. And in the basement of that cabin is a princess.


Arc 8 Subaru. Beatrice is restricted.

He is given the same information the Long Quiet is given: "You’re here to slay her. If you don't, it will be the end of the world..." but otherwise has nothing else to influence his perspective.

The Princess starts in her first key, but is free to grow stronger based on Subaru's perception of her.

The battle takes place in the cabin, with her arm chained to the wall.
Princess profile is so packed I don't really know where to start exactly.

But in a straight up fight what exactly is supposed to get Subaru to think of her as anything other than a princess?
Princess profile is so packed I don't really know where to start exactly.
That has been a recurrent problem, huh.

Oh well. This does start with the CH1 Princess, so the first page should cover all the important stuff, at least until Subaru dies Ig
Why does Subaru die? What reason does he have to think that she's over street level? Etc. I need info.
But in a straight up fight what exactly is supposed to get Subaru to think of her as anything other than a princess?
Well, he's already been told that she's threat to the world, and if he goes in expecting her to be dangerous, she'd also threaten and belittle him, which might make him doubt himself more (Or not, I honestly have no idea what Subaru's character is).
Why does Subaru die? What reason does he have to think that she's over street level? Etc. I need info.
Basically by starting a chain reaction of doubt that gradually escalates her power until she becomes nigh-beatable.
Based on what I know on Re:Zero, Subaru got rid of a good chunk of his mental issues that could screw him over by Arc 8 (In terms of confidence, not actual mental health)

Unless someone much more knowledgeable about the series disagrees and points something out, I'm leaning towards Subaru social influencing his way to winning
The princess have a really cool power.

Even if Subaru start empowering her with how he think how powerfull she is, after dying a few times he most likely could convice her to stop fighting after knowing a little about her personality.

Does the Princess know japanese btw? If she does, Subaru can convice her to stop fighting then.
Well, he's already been told that she's threat to the world, and if he goes in expecting her to be dangerous, she'd also threaten and belittle him, which might make him doubt himself more (Or not, I honestly have no idea what Subaru's character is).
Threat to the world is extremely ambiguous vague. To Subaru that could mean practically anything to the point that I really assume much of anything.

I just know in terms of hax and abilities she would not be stronger than Reinhard n likely not any more haxed than Regulus or Reid.

In terms of social influencing as well she gets obliterated by Subaru...

Thing about Subaru though is he never believes people to be all powerful.

For example, when facing regulus without knowing what his invincibility exact was, he imagined multiple weaknesses it could've had and ways to deal with them.

Because Re zero is a world where no ability is 100% convenient.

With that in mind Subaru either just gives her abilities he can counter through strategy, or probably even deduces what her actual ability is. I wouldn't doubt that being possible for him. Even as of Arc 6 he is pretty reliable at figuring out people's niche.

In fact, how does she even win? With infinite lives it is practically guaranteed Subaru finds out a weakness. Either one he created himself or her actual weakness, and wins the fight.
The Princess doesn't even instigate a fight unless you attack her or leave her trapped in the cabin. Just freeing her probably nets him the win, especially since she'll completely deny that she's even capable of ending the world, and there's no Narrator constantly pestering him about how if he does set her free it'll end the world.

Ig he has been told that not slaying her would end the world, and if he believes it's an unconscious thing, he can't really free her?
But again the Princess would sorta deny the info, and he has no actual evidence of her actually even being capable of so.
He might honestly also make it a conscious thing on her part due to how vague the info he's been given is.
Does the Princess know japanese btw? If she does, Subaru can convice her to stop fighting then.
Considering 'Subjective Reality goes brrr' logic, he'd just assume that she would understand him.

In fact, how does she even win? With infinite lives it is practically guaranteed Subaru finds out a weakness. Either one he created himself or her actual weakness, and wins the fight.
The Princess has a few post-mortem abilities and forms, but that's entirely centered around self-doubt, thinking of possibilities that weren't there before (like thinking a task was too easy), or her area basically just resetting with her becoming a new form based on whatever happened in the first run (the verse kinda has it's own in-universe self reset thing once The Princess result occurs, but that's not listed as a thing The Princess does herself).
Probably even deduces what her actual ability is. I wouldn't doubt that being possible for him. Even as of Arc 6 he is pretty reliable at figuring out people's niche.
That would the worst possible thing he could do. Basically guarantees a loss if he does so.
Her nature is to become what others perceive her to be. If you actually knew what she was, if you knew her capabilities, a single intrusive thought could have instantly ended the entire world.
What do you mean a single intrusive thought could have instantly ended the world?
It's simple, really: 'She can become whatever people perceive her to be? That's easy! I'll just will her into something really small! But wait, what if I accidentally will her into something that ends the world. Oh no, what if just thinking that—

But you wouldn't have finished your hypothetical thought, because she would have already destroyed the world.

Luckily for you, as you are now, you won't be able to will her into anything. You don't work the way a living being does. Not anymore.
But yeah, if Subaru really is non-combative, unless we include the Narrator (He is part of the Construct), they really won't even fight.
Btw if she doesn't initiate and isn't even trying to kill him or do harm to anything she just gets SI'd into an ally tbh.

Either way I literally don't see how she wins; it's at best inconclusive.
Either way I literally don't see how she wins; it's at best inconclusive.
She does "win" a few times against the LQ who also has the infinite lives thing. Moment of Clarity and Fury are the big ones.
if she leaves the cabin it's an instant win for her
Don't think we've ever reached a conclusion on if the Shifting Mound can intervene or not, especially here where the fight isn't even taking place in the Construct.
That would the worst possible thing he could do. Basically guarantees a loss if he does so.
I mean, depends because if the world ends, Subaru would just go back in a savepoint because he died.
Unless 'world' here in just existence itself being destroyed, which yeah he can't come back, but if the world they in just explode or something, then he should be fine.
I mean, depends because if the world ends, Subaru would just go back in a savepoint because he died.
Unless 'world' here in just existence itself being destroyed, which yeah he can't come back, but if the world they in just explode or something, then he should be fine.
World is existence itself.
We should probably stick to the belief that the Shifting Mound wouldn't intervene since we don't explicitly state that on the profile. No need to make this more complicated than it already is.
Btw if she doesn't initiate and isn't even trying to kill him or do harm to anything she just gets SI'd into an ally tbh.
Standard tactics are stupidly weird for the character since it's entirely based on what the character would think.

Expect hostility, get hostility. Expect the purest princess, get the purest princess.

So her abilities and tactics would basically amount to "what would Subaru expect from a princess stated to be capable of ending the wo"- it's just going to be Emilia isn't it
She does "win" a few times against the LQ who also has the infinite lives thing. The biggest example is definitely the Moment of Clarity route.
"The Moment of Clarity, as we see her, has already molded the Long Quiet into a broken husk with no real will to resist."

But like, how?

Also, infinite lives means Subaru has like infinite ways to social influence or just kill her.

As said he is never gonna imagine that she is some unkillable or unwinnable opponent, so eventually he just wins someway some who via a weakness he imagines her having. And that's if this actually results in a fight.

It is more likely he just influences her and wins through that.
Also, infinite lives means Subaru has like infinite ways to social influence or just kill her.

As said he is never gonna imagine that she is some unkillable or unwinnable opponent, so eventually he just wins someway some who via a weakness he imagines her having. And that's if this actually results in a fight.
Basically, any way he can imagine a plan failing or any power he'd imagine she could have would result in her having it. And him questioning how she ends the world could result in just a constant universe destruction for him effectively killing him.
So more thought put into her = bigger threat due to possibilities.

But, due to his mindset and the fact he's probably just going to be thinking of Emilia during the first encounter he's probably just going to walk in and SI himself a win.
World is existence itself.
Ah, yeah so is Instawin then if he discover her abilites somehow.
So her abilities and tactics would basically amount to "what would Subaru expect from a princess stated to be capable of ending the wo"- it's just going to be Emilia isn't it
Well, if he got the info that she can destroy the world, Subaru probally would think in a few scenarios, but he would discard all of them because he wants to see her appearence first.

But like, if he sees her chained in the wall, he probally gonna understamate her and think she not really that strong, and strike a conversation.
Since is SBA, Subaru would need to not let her harm him for a day.
The more variables you guys add the more I lean on inconclusive. Weird character to use in a vs match especially with an immortal time traveler.
Subaru canonically responding to being told to kill a woman due to her being a threat to the world.

I’m curious about something

If Subaru goes in all “knight in shining armor” and “saves” the princess, hoist her in his arms and walks her out of the Cabin, doesn’t the world just end right there and Subaru loses assuming RBD can’t trigger.

And assuming RDB does trigger and Subaru tries again with prior knowledge that if he “saves” the princess the world will end. Isn’t him having the perception that the princess is a world ending threat all that’s needed to bring about the end of the world over and over again

And wouldn’t Subaru losing over and over again next him the “L”?
If Subaru goes in all “knight in shining armor” and “saves” the princess, hoist her in his arms and walks her out of the Cabin, doesn’t the world just end right there and Subaru loses assuming RBD can’t trigger.
I question the usage of that since in that route the Voice of the Sceptic already exists and that world end could entirely just be the result of doubts.

And assuming RDB does trigger and Subaru tries again with prior knowledge that if he “saves” the princess the world will end. Isn’t him having the perception that the princess is a world ending threat all that’s needed to bring about the end of the world over and over again
Assuming that does happen, his perception would just be "She ends the world if she leaves the cabin" which wouldn't be enough to cause such a state.
Assuming that does happen, his perception would just be "She ends the world if she leaves the cabin" which wouldn't be enough to cause such a state.
Then Subaru would need to keep her in the Cabin for 1 day, or knock her out for 1 hour, for SBA victory condintions then.

The former is really his only option, since he gonna be unwiling to harm her, and it might go bad for her.

evidence suggests its the Shifting Mounds doing any time reality comes undone here.

I do agree that it's the Shifting Mound, but that'd imply we are including it in the fight which just adds a bunch of stuff to this fight. And means basically any road Subaru takes results in 'world reset GG no RE'.

So without it, I'd assume her ending the world would only naturally occur if Subaru believes it
I do agree that it's the Shifting Mound, but that'd imply we are including it in the fight which just adds a bunch of stuff to this fight. And means basically any road Subaru takes results in 'world reset GG no RE'.

So without it, I'd assume her ending the world would only naturally occur if Subaru believes it
I just don't think its feasible to not include her since it's the true form and she fundamentally cant really exist without her true form

But since it's not in the profile yet I wont argue this any more.