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So a while back after my last Sharnoth revision i ended up on the intelligence page, where i noticed something interesting, namely that the description for Supergenius has changed a little from what i remember, it now says:
"Supergenius: The highest level of non-omniscient intellect, possessed by individuals with unfathomably superhuman intelligence who are capable of creating impossibly advanced physics-defying and reality-warping fantasy technology for enormously diverse purposes.
In order to qualify for a Supergenius rating based on technological prowess, a character should be able to essentially warp reality in virtually any way that they wish on an at least base level infinite (High 3-A) scale with their inventions, or even use them to overpower tier 1 entities for higher cases. Simply defying the laws of physics with futuristic technology is very common for Extraordinary Geniuses as well. Meaning that there should be an enormous amount of versatility combined with an infinite scale of power and preferably range.
However, take note that, in order to qualify, characters genuinely have to invent things on their own, not mostly rely on already extremely futuristic settings.
Other ways to qualify through non-technological means are to be able to process and understand literally infinite amounts of information, or to design entire realities of infinite complexity through skill and comprehension, rather than just wishing them into existence, and feats of a comparable scale may also reach a Supergenius rating."
The bolded part is what's interesting. The most absurd golden eye user seen in translated material for What a Beautiful Series, so far is Mary Clarissa Christie. There are general statements about golden eye users in the past solving a huge number of mathematical formulas and starting up a super large learning machine that needed a 100 years to start up instantly, this is interesting albeit i forgot what side material it's from, but it's not the main crux of the argument for Mary, and then also Charlie who is her equal, possessing Supergenius intelligence.
That comes from the fact that Mary's golden eye:
Can give its user's awareness that Sharnoth is an eternal, infinite world
That Sharnoth and M, are one and the same
And can tell their user the correct path to go, even within the infinite world of Sharnoth.
These are feats of processing/understanding infinite information, seeing as well Sharnoth is infinite, so unless i am misunderstanding something, Mary and Charlie should be Supergeniuses.
I thought about scaling M to this seeing as Mary's golden eye can't read his formula, but Mary's feats with the Golden got more and more absurd each chapter, and while the same sort of thing was said in the final chapter where Mary displayed these feats, that took place before Mary entered Sharnoth, and it was like a day later than when she saw M use his formula, so i find that iffy.
However i wouldn't be surprised if someone posts evidence from like the web novels which take place after these Mary feats, of Mary not being able to understand M's formula.
"Supergenius: The highest level of non-omniscient intellect, possessed by individuals with unfathomably superhuman intelligence who are capable of creating impossibly advanced physics-defying and reality-warping fantasy technology for enormously diverse purposes.
In order to qualify for a Supergenius rating based on technological prowess, a character should be able to essentially warp reality in virtually any way that they wish on an at least base level infinite (High 3-A) scale with their inventions, or even use them to overpower tier 1 entities for higher cases. Simply defying the laws of physics with futuristic technology is very common for Extraordinary Geniuses as well. Meaning that there should be an enormous amount of versatility combined with an infinite scale of power and preferably range.
However, take note that, in order to qualify, characters genuinely have to invent things on their own, not mostly rely on already extremely futuristic settings.
Other ways to qualify through non-technological means are to be able to process and understand literally infinite amounts of information, or to design entire realities of infinite complexity through skill and comprehension, rather than just wishing them into existence, and feats of a comparable scale may also reach a Supergenius rating."
The bolded part is what's interesting. The most absurd golden eye user seen in translated material for What a Beautiful Series, so far is Mary Clarissa Christie. There are general statements about golden eye users in the past solving a huge number of mathematical formulas and starting up a super large learning machine that needed a 100 years to start up instantly, this is interesting albeit i forgot what side material it's from, but it's not the main crux of the argument for Mary, and then also Charlie who is her equal, possessing Supergenius intelligence.
That comes from the fact that Mary's golden eye:
Can give its user's awareness that Sharnoth is an eternal, infinite world
That Sharnoth and M, are one and the same
And can tell their user the correct path to go, even within the infinite world of Sharnoth.
These are feats of processing/understanding infinite information, seeing as well Sharnoth is infinite, so unless i am misunderstanding something, Mary and Charlie should be Supergeniuses.
I thought about scaling M to this seeing as Mary's golden eye can't read his formula, but Mary's feats with the Golden got more and more absurd each chapter, and while the same sort of thing was said in the final chapter where Mary displayed these feats, that took place before Mary entered Sharnoth, and it was like a day later than when she saw M use his formula, so i find that iffy.
However i wouldn't be surprised if someone posts evidence from like the web novels which take place after these Mary feats, of Mary not being able to understand M's formula.