k first what i need is modify a relevant calc that affects all god tiers below hao
The 10 foe version was accepted but it has a distance issue that was brought to my attention. While multiple shots in the manga initially suggest Yoh and co arent to far from Hao right before the Supernova triggers, upon further examination the actual perspective of these panels are really bad and dont actually prove that.
Hao actually states this as he launches solar prominence from his star.
The solar prominence stretches "Thousands and Thousands miles". This is actually referencing irl Prominence, which stretch anywhere from
100,000 km to 500,000 km. There is no reason Hao isn't being literal here, as throughout the fight he replicates cosmic events 1 to 1 as they are irl, from solar flares, to supernovas, to an actual black hole. So a new calc needs to be put into a blog and checked. I will proceed with that later today.
http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.ed...son & McMillan, the,persist for days or weeks.
According to Chaisson & McMillan, the size of a typical solar prominence is on the order of 100,000 km or around 10 times the diameter of Earth. Larger ones can reach a half-million kilometers.
stated distance might be better to use
low end of 100,000 km, high end of 500,000 km
Supernova energy yield (that we agreed on): 10 FOE or 1e45 joules
Low End
Distance from supernova: 500,000 kilometers
Sphere surface area: 3141592653589793238 m^2 (and also our ratio, assuming Yoh's frontal area to be 1 m^2)
Yoh's durability: 1e45/3141592653589793238 = 3.1830988618379e26 joules, 76 petatons of TNT
High End
Distance from supernova: 100,000 kilometers
Sphere surface area and ratio: 125663706143591730 m^2
Yoh's durability: 1e45/125663706143591730 = 7.9577472e27 joules, 1.9 exatons of TNT
additional note for consistency
If we go with the distance
100,000,000m radius for a sphere means a surface area of 125663706143591730 m^2
1 m^2 frontal area or so
1e45 FOE for the attack
The crew durability: 1e45/125663706143591730 = 7.9577472e27 joules, 1.9 exatons