Maybe I can help a bit. SB Janemba first off in power is considered 2C and possibly higher for 2 reasons.
1. Since we see him directly alter and start to fuze the future, present and at least effect a past tiemline begining of the game, including after life etc. Now he continuously expands and grows in power during the game, so he constantly grows in power feeding off negative energy and basically being the embodiement of it, and we don't know how many timelines he has engulfed by the end, hence he can get past 2-C theoretically and may or may not have. Also Cell confirms there are infinte timelines in SB, so there is no limit from number of timelines.
2. Also we see Gotenks raw ki be enough to warp "diemsnions" plural, aka tiemlines in this sense, and use that to erase Cell from existance. That is also 2C as a feat in raw power/ki, and Gotenks cannot hurt Janemba when they face off, so Janemba should have 2C durability or minimum have likely 2C dura for tanking Gotenks and scaling to his ki level, which applies to dura and DP.
Now Hax wise, Janemba has more Hax, for sure. I don't really need to go over them unless people need clarification on specifics.
Speed wise, Janemba's bodys can outpace Gotenks, Goku, Broly etc, who all should logically at least scale to their mftl+ non canon counterparts. He also has nigh Omnipressence for existing in most parts of the Universe, anywhere with negative energy, which he spreads to. THis is across tiemlines as well as space, so I would personally consider his true conciousness to have spatial and temporal nigh-Omnipressence, albeit his conciousness can only use hax like mind control, absorbing, space time manipulation etc, he needs to manifest bodies ot physically attack. Also he can regen from any evil energy, as many times as he wants, so as long as it exists he does, it can be removed to weaken him though, but the more that builds the strogner he gets.
That is him in a nutshell.
Personally I think he beats Zeno by the current shown feats, but I would wait till Zeno actually shows his serious power personally to conclude anything.