Here some facts i found about Re:Zero :
1- When Subaru returns by death, any physical experience is also reset, which makes physical training kind of meaningless. (Wilhelm training gone to the drain) < IMO this point mean shit he beat Elsa in the IF chapter , Pegasus give me CB subaru right now
2-if subaru never gone to the other world His father would help him begin a social guy and would married a girl very similar to Rem and lived a hppy life
3-Little girls are very attracted to Subaru
4-Subaru's 'return to death' declaration can kill only Emilia.
5 - So far in the entire setting, Subaru only chooses suicide when its 'To Save Rem'. Unless it's an IF route, there is no chance he will ever pick suicide for personal gain/happiness. (forever suffering)
6- Subaru becomes totally worthless when there is no way to save Rem.
7-Emilia's lap pillow lasted for 4~5 hours <lol
8-Re;Zero's author wishes for a PERFECT HAPPY END < no wonder he even did a harem for subaru
9- The author's mother, after reading book 2, said 'I never raised you like this!!
10- So far among all the deaths in the anime, subaru considers freezing to death the worst experience.
11-The character with the best affinity with Subaru is Betty.
12- The hardest character to gain flags with in the series is Ram. < Roswaal break that role
Well there over 50 but i picked what had my interest the most here the rest :