Tier | Level | Energy in
Conventional Terms
| Energy in Tonnes
of TNT Equivalent
| Energy in Joules |
9-C | Street | 100 Joules to
5 Kilojoules
| 2.39x10-8 to 1.195x10-6 | 102 to 5x103 |
9-B | Wall | 5 Kilojoules
to 0.005 Tons
| 1.195x10-6 to 5x10-3 | 5x103 to 2.092x107 |
9-A | Small Building | 0.005 Tons
to 0.25 Tons
| 5x10-3 to 2.5x10-1 | 2.092x107 to to 1.046x109 |
8-C | Building | 0.25 Tons
to 2 Ton
| 2.5x10-1 to 2 | to 1.046x109 to 8.368x109 |
| Large Building | 2 Ton to
11 Tons
| 2 to 11 | 8.368x109 to 4.6024x1010 |
8-C | City Block | 11 Tons to
22 Tons
| 11 to 22 | 4.6024x1010 to 9.2048x1010 |
8-A | Multi-City Block | 22 Tons to
1 Kiloton
| 22 to 1000 | 9.2048x1010 to 4.184x1012 |
7-C | Small Town | 1 Kiloton to
5.8 Kilotons
| 1000 to 5800 | 4.184x1012 to 2.42672x1013 |
| Town | 5.8 Kilotons to
100 Kilotons
| 5800 to 105 | 2.42672x1013 to 4.184x1014 |
| Large Town | 100 Kilotons
to 1 Megaton
| 105 to 106 | 4.184x1014 to 4.184x1015 |
7-B | Small City | 1 Megaton to
6.3 Megatons
| 106 to 6.3x106 | 4.184x1015 to 2.63592x1016 |
| City | 6.3 Megatons
to 100 Megatons
| 6.3x10^6 to 108 | 2.63592x1016 to 4.184x1017 |
7-A | Large City
or Mountain
| 100 Megatons
to 1 Gigaton
| 108 to 109 | 4.184x1017 to 4.184x1018 |
| Large Mountain
or Small Island
| 1 Gigaton to
4.3 Gigatons
| 109 to 4.3x109 | 4.184x1018 to 1.79912x1019 |
6-C | Island | 4.3 Gigatons
to 100 Gigatons
| 4.3x109 to 1011 | 1.79912x1019 to 4.184x1020 |
| Large Island | 100 Gigatons
to 1 Teraton
| 1011 to 1012 | 4.184x1020 to 4.184x1021 |
6-B | Small Country | 1 Teraton to
7 Teratons
| 1012 to 7x1012 | 4.184x1021 to 2.9288x1022 |
| Country | 7 Teratons
to 100 Teratons
| 7x1012 to 1014 | 2.9288x1022 to 4.184x1023 |
| Large Country | 100 Teratons
to 760 teratons
| 1014 to 7.6x1014 | 4.184x1023 to 3.17984x1024 |
6-A | Small Continent | 760 teratons to
1.33 Petatons
| 7.6x1014 to 1.33x1015 | 3.17984x1024 to 5.56472x1024 |
| Continent | 1.33 Petatons
to 1 Exaton
| 1.33x1015 to 1018 | 5.56472x1024 to 4.184x1027 |
| Large or
| 1 Exaton to
29.6 Exatons
| 1018 to 2.96x1019 | 4.184x1027 to 1.238464x1029 |
5-C | Moon | 29.6 Exatons to
433 Exatons
| 2.96x1019 to 4.33x1020 | 1.238464x1029 to 1.811672x1030 |
5-B | Small Planet | 433 Exatons
to 57.3 zettatons
| 4.33x1020 to 5.72x1022 | 1.811672x1030 to 2.393248x1032 |
| Planet | 57.3 zettatons
to 2.7 Yottatons
| 5.72x1022 to 2.7x1024 | 2.393248x1032 to 1.12968x1034 |
5-A | Large or
| 2.7 Yottatons
to 2.998 Tenatons
| 2.7x1024 to 2.998x1030 | 1.12968x1034 to 1.2543632x1040 |
4-C | Small Star | 2.998 Tenatons
to 150 Tenatons
| 2.998x1030 to 1.5x1032 | 1.2543632x1040 to 6.276x1041 |
| Star | 150 Tenatons
to 350 Tenatons
| 1.5x1032 to 3.5x1032 | 6.276x1041 to 1.4644x1042 |
| Large Star | 350 Tenatons
to 5.709 Foe
| 3.5x1032 to 1.364x1035 | 1.4644x1042 to 5.706976x1044 |
4-B | Solar System | 5.709 Foe
to 141.3 KiloFoe
| 1.364x1035 to 3.377x1039 | 5.706976x1044 to 1.4129368x1049 |
4-A | Multi-Solar System | 141.3 KiloFoe
to 10GigaFoe
| 3.377x1039 to 2.38x1044 | 1.4129368x1049 to 9.95792x1053 |
3-C | Galaxy | 10GigaFoe
to 1 teraFoe
| 2.38x1044 to 2.39x1046 | 9.95792x1053 to 9.99976x1055 |
3-B | Multi-Galaxy | 1 teraFoe
to undefined
| 2.39x1046 | 9.99976x1055 |