And like I said, how would this help at all when
A. He can AP Stomp all of them at once save Zeno
B. He has zero qualms fighting multiple people so long he can do it or has to. And he loses absolutely nothing from doing it given that he taps each and every one of them.
C. Zeno is indiscriminate in what he erases. We know he erased 6 universes because he had a bad day and erased Trunks' Timeline when he saw Zamasu. The dude is fickle.
D. that is outside help which I am sure I'd not allowed.
What is this directed at? My Cells comment or someone with average intelligence could even do it comment? Because if it's at the average intelligence comment, there's nothing against getting someone more intelligent to help you if you don't have the intelligence, or like I said just use one of the many canon sets of DBs, can't say they wouldn't know they exist, because they have knowledge on all characters, including Dende, Kami, Guru, and Moori who are each directly responsible for the Earth Dragon Balls and Namekian Dragon Balls respectively. And if it's directed at the Cell comment, didn't you say he'd probably make one?