But whatever. Here I go.
If you wanted to debunk this shit then you should've used more than "shoulds", and I'm disappointed in those who responded with flimsy ass arguments. I'll get to yall later.
Oh tempestade. You poor soul.
First of all, Oars is based off of Luffy, and Luffy never uses both of his feet AND his hands at the same time. Luffy barely uses his feet at all, and that isn't something he uses over and over. Luffy's strongest techniques are the ones where he applies both of his arms, and because they had the opportunity to destroy one of Oars' artificial limbs. It's stated in the magazines that Luffy primarily uses his hands for combos and such, shown by how he has a plethora of hand moves but deadass like 2 or 3 leg moves.
"Legs and arms at the same time".
Deadass just said Oars and Moriah could combine his
legs for a dual attack, never said anything about combining legs and the remaining arm.
Luffy has like, two or th-
Gum-Gum Spear.
End of story.
Second of all, Oars' strongest attack was his Bazooka, and that was the attack that he spammed plus it was his strongest move. Like I said above, they had the opportunity to negate that shit. This is why when Luffy was about to hit him with the bazooka, he tried to retaliate with his own, and he couldn't because they disabled his arm.
You're responding the vacuum, I addressed Bazooka being Oars' strongest move.
Just said, strongest move /=/ Character's overall Strength.
Third of all, your "In fact, Chopper referring to Oars overall strength as exclusively the bazooka attack (which he used it once) makes no sense" is the most blatant ignoring of context I've seen all year. The move he used right before the statement of halved power is his Bazooka.
What is blatant is you cutting my argument short and ignoring my reasoning.
I said it makes no sense because, not only Oars use it
once or twice for the entirety of this fight, but Chopper stating that wouldn't make sense or have narrative weight because Oars' strength with single limb attacks are already overwhelming to the crew.
Fourth of all, "Save for a single move". Gatling gun, which he used to take out both Chopper and Sanji.
Stomp Gatling. Literally in the OP.
Fifth of all, here's the thing. You're not supposed to send scans without context.
"The gang was still getting mollywhopped by regular attacks from Oars left and right" And they all got right the **** back up.
You seem to forget that Oars is stronger than every single person there by a vast amount, even without his combined attacks. So this point is just completely useless.
This is like saying that if this was for ******* Oden-
Terrible analogy. My point is that Oars single limb moves are way too overwhelming in strength for the crew, you're just agreeing by stating Oars is stronger than everyone.
Taking out his arm would just halve his body usage, thus, effective strength.
Sixth of all, it sounds like you don't understand why they deleted his arm, so I'll explain it.
Oars tries to use a Bazooka which Sanji countered, and it produced a large ass shockwave.
The arm he was using was fake. Because of that, they noticed they had an opportunity to cut his shit off, which they did, and because of that, they changed the game.
I understand why they deleted his arms.
To stop Oars from using it.
Lmao. This effective cuts his range by half and creates "a blind"/"numb" spot for free hits, cutting Oars' battle strength. I quite literally state so.
Sorry, but your response doesn't even address the logical issues and often even agree with the basis I had for them. Furthermore, if you accept Example 2 and 3 aren't even valid, then the entirety of a multiplier is being applied to a singular statement from Chopper, even if it applies just to Luffy (doesn't make sense, would be double standards for a singular character).
Now, do you believe my interpretation of the quote is
not plausible?