There's no need for the back and forth banter. Bambu and BestMGQ's point is that regeneration is strictly physiology related thus anything else even a passive healing ability is still healing.
As we've discussed, there's a vague connection between resurrection and godly regeneration where one develops into the other but with the new standards, if it isn't physiology related it's healing however, as I've tried to tell everyone here, godly healing isn't and shouldn't be a thing.
Healing essentially is repairing something that's damaged or broken regardless of the extent it's damaged to be it bisected, smashed to pieces, reduced to atoms etc, there's always something that remains for the initialization of the healing process be it physical matter or a metaphysical substance. Godly resurrection or regeneration on the other hand drifts away from this greatly as it requires one to recover from absolutely nothing, in other words, there's nothing to heal from, therefore with the strict distinction in our standards for regen and healing, if what we classify as healing ever reaches godly levels, it should be indexed as resurrection.
In accordance to the above, the OP simply need change "high-godly healing" into "high-godly resurrection" as well as do so for any of his future threads where healing reaches godly levels even if for no reason other than my own peace of mind