Arguably doesn't mean "definitively"
"Arguably" also doesn't mean "I can beat the living crap out of him". In the fight with Palpatine, Anakin couldn't even see the two of them fighting clearly, they were just a blur for him.
Anakin blinked and rubbed his eyes again. Maybe he was still a bit flash-blind—the Korun Master seemed to be fading in and out of existence, half swallowed by a thickening black haze in which danced a meter-long bar of sunfire. Mace pressed back the darkness with a relentless straight-ahead march; his own blade, that distinctive amethyst blaze that had been the final sight of so many evil beings across the galaxy, made a haze of its own: an oblate sphere of purple fire within which there seemed to be dozens of swords slashing in all directions at once. The shadow he fought, that blur of speed—could that be Palpatine? Their blades flared and flashed, crashing together with bursts of fire, weaving nets of killing energy in exchanges so fast that Anakin could not truly see them—but he could feel them in the Force. The Force itself roiled and burst and crashed around them, boiling with power and lightspeed ricochets of lethal intent. And it was darkening.
He could feel the end of this battle approaching, and so could the blur of Sith he faced; in the Force, the shadow had become a pulsar of fear.
Revenge of The Sith
Let me breathe buddy, you're killing me here :skully
What about any of this rebuttal was an objective metric that can accurately gauge anger from person to person?
Emotion in general is a subjective human experience. What sets off your thin skinned SJW won't even cause a Marine to flinch. Nothing you've offered can quantify Windu's rage better than Savage's. Emotions can't be put to numbers, not the way you're trying to bullshit
Emotions can't be put to numbers, but his rage was clearly bigger than a simple "wow, I got my ass kicked, hate that jerk". Besides, Windu is brutally better than Savage at controlling the force, and knows how to use Vaapad.
Nothing convenient about it. I'm not arguing for absolute parity, just that he can contend.
No, nothing at all, it's just a coincidence that the moment he stops using Vaapad, he gets outclasses.
You're doing a rather poor show of it my friend
What with silliness like actually trying to compare emotion response from person to person and suggesting Windu's the ultimate rage o holic of Star Wars... you're just a corpse I get to continue to poke for my amusement~
Gotta admit, I lol'd at the "Rage o Holic of Star Wars".
I'm not "trying" to compare emotion response: the books do that for me. Mace was completely devastating, there's no arguing about it.
You're not really good at this whole "addressing the core of my post" thing
What about Vaapad seeing continued use in the figth suggests massive multipliers? Especially, when in disuse due to distraction or the like, he does just fine on his own merits.
Just being used in the fight would mean nothing - but every time it says that the power chanelled through Vaapad, or that Vaapad amped him, or whatever. Multiple times it's stated that Vaapad can amp the user.
That's not word of god, that's a character statement hidden as narrative exposition. Its from the novel IIRC, right? Why's it hold more weight than Lucas' direct word?
Omniscient narrative out of universe is the king of all accloades.
So... the narrator now is a character, and that was a statement from said "mysterious character". Wow, that's a new one for me.
For the same reason that no one even consider the possibility of Luffy being as fast as the CP9 when he met Usopp, when Oda said that Kuro and the CP9 had the same speed.
They do as far as evaluating Legends go given feats between Disney and Legends are so disparate.
And given vs battles wiki basically copies the OBD of NarutoForums, my home forum, nigh verbatim on how they treat Star Wars?
They still use the old canon tiers for Legends my friend :maybe
That doesn't even make any sense.
Once more, I sympathize with your confusio
As we've previously established, your thoughts on this hobby are, at best, simplistic
The aesthetic difference between random numbers and percentages must be incredibly overwhelming :maybe
I assure you though, they're one and the same kind of metric of measurement.
No, they're not.
Goku claims that his speed multiplies when he uses the Kaioken. Therefore, if he is Mach 10 in base, with 4x Kaioken he is Mach 40.
In the Daizenshuu, his power-level is also linearly multiplied by the Kaioken. Does this mean that speed is linear with power levels?