you know, I actually have a super weapon that could burst the earth right now but I will wait until people get on mar before I use it.
I already broke down earlier that it could very much be a boast, if she haven't done it yet, mean that she, at least, currently can't with her power, same with Brand, there been plenty of real life people have boast to conquer the world or even greater things too, doesn't mean that they can.
Rivals in league is more like enemy, or people they hates, Kalista hates betrayer, her rivals list is chock full of them, doesn't mean that she consider them to be someone of equal power, same with Tahm and the Yordles, Kindred and the undead.
and what out of place the most is Ashe and Sej, their tier, at most, should be 8-A, like most humanoid with a weapon in league.