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The revolver is a Weapon with effective 100 meters of range that's was made to be usedin It's mediun range to bellow, what would give It around 50 meters, spy is proficient and trained in this gun and It's variants, including the embassador, a gun made to be effective with headshoots and almost useless other wise. I accept if you don't considere this enough as I'm too tired to look for scans at the moment, the only other thing I could say would be that ion It's original releasse the embassador Headshoot damage was so good at long range that was one of the best ways to play spy, finishing of enemies tring to run awayEvidence? There isn't really any skill feats on the profile.
Well, as said before spy has ways to keep It self invisible indefinetly, and diferent from Koich the entire spy is invisible while koich him self isn't, and if Spy knows koich is looking for him PK should make him aware that his stand is far away what has been show to be a problem before, not to mention Spy can diguisse him self as a random person that dosn't even live in Morio to hide him self where every one can see, playing the long gameKnowing they exist and knowing which one is out, what they're doing, where they are, etc is a completely different thing, given they, too, are invisible, always.
They don't make sound, can't be seen and can even fly and phase, for all intents and purposes, they have the better stealth physiology.
You say all he has to do is wait for a good opportunity, but when would that be? What if Koichi shuts himself off in a building and lays traps? And in that same vain, why can't Koichi do the same?
It was said that uncloaking makes an audible sound ealier in the thread, why wouldn't that tip the Stands off to his presence?
Koichi doesn't kill so that's useless, he'll cripple or incap, Act 1's Empath Manip for example, if struck, Spy has no way around it and would basically just give up.
If koich goes inside a building to try take cover and set traps Spy is a lot more wise in passing trough them, trough I need to say, he would have a hard time dealing with traps setted by act 2 he should be able to figure out a way to enter where no one would set traps (IDK like entering by the upper floor window or by the chimney)I didn't say he survived a donut, in fact, I said that's like the only thing we've seen actually put him down. It being a surprise attack doesn't mean much if the Stands spot him from 100m away pulling out a gun to shoot or whatever, reminder, Koichi has used them before to go 50m into the air to scan his surroundings for a large distance, in fact, he's done so in every major fight he's been in from Yukako, to Kira.
If he unveils himself and doesn't actually kill Koichi, all he did was reveal his location and now Koichi is gunning for him.
Spy would be better off laying traps that aren't actually easy to spot while invisible and then **** off and wait for them to proc, maybe he could snipe him, but Morioh lacks any tall buildings and has a lot of closed-off buildings, or empty fields.
Which also begs the question, where in Morioh are they fighting? I doubt it'd be a populated area given Koichi wouldn't want to risk civilians getting involved so he'd probably move the fight away from crowded locations if possible.
I will admmit trough, If koich starts to guard a house with ACT 2 I will give my vote for him.
It's just strange to think he would use act 2 or 1 after getting act 3 sinse after act 3 we never saw the other acts again
About the killing part... that's not how dead ringer work, If spy is hurt in any way with the ead ringer in his hand a fake corpse of him will appear and he will go invisible intantly, like a lizard shadding It's tail off
They would make body shoots a lot more dangerous thanks to how much they multiply the damage of atacksDo crits matter? If he lands a solid blow on Koichi where it matters like the head or chest, a crit or not isn't really going to change much, and when it comes to the Stands, a crit or not isn't going to change the fact they can block it. Excluding Act 1 anyway.
Dead ring or imediatly cloaking should let him hideIf The Spy starts at all within 50m of Koichi, he's going to have to get very lucky to escape him.
And if The Spy starts at all within field of view, he's going to have trouble slipping away even if he can turn invisible, doubly so as Koichi knows that invisibility as a power exists (Achtung Baby is a thing) and he knows due to PK that he has invisibility as a power.
Also I've been arguing under the assumption they start much further given at the 5m range Act 3 would just go brrr. And even a distance like this makes ti hard for stealth to be used.
To be honest I agree with most things you say, I tried to argue for spy but meh... having a invisible shield and a invisible invulnerable traking ghost makes things to dificult for spy... wait spy here also is in robot war tier and has the power ups and spell! **** this is a entire new can of worms to open now
he now can teleport, tranfear damage, sent plagues to Koich, etc... and even become invincible him self
No, he can affect anything in 5 meters around himIsnt Act 3's ability touch based? I dont remember