For the platonic shit concept
It is simple, batman has only referred to the sphere of gods being a "platonic or archetypal" realm, I.e the superstructure they originate from, he has only referred to them specifically as living ideas, and if we take batman's statement for granted (I guess u can cus platonic bullet n shit) then it has to be referring to avatars, why?
Because batman said that wally has dealt with these true form new gods before, It's important to keep in mind that Wally hasn't actually encountered Any of the New God True Forms yet, you are probably thinking "he probably is talking about them in another comics"
Superman, Batman and the Justice League know about the New Gods because they've met them, but we've never really seen the New Gods in their full power before. We've seen their actions. The DC superheroes see the New Gods as other superheroes in the way that Orion or Barda can join the Justice League. They've never understood that what they really are are f---ing gods. This story's about the first time Darkseid actually manifests on the planet. Everything we've ever seen before has been kind of projections from the world of the New Gods and for the first time we're seeing them in their full power. And it's like what would happen if a god appeared on the planet. Galactus is one god. This is a whole bunch of them; that's how bad it is."
So ok, now that's out of the way,
this also correlates with metron getting killed by dr manhattan in rebirth ,
of course as established wether this is a avatar or not is irrelevant.
And if you agree that this is a platonic concept, then you'd have to also go by the definition that every object linked to the platonic ideal also gets erased if the platonic concepts gets erased, now tell me why the speed force wasn't effected by metron's death? hm?
the monolith embodied the same kind of inspirational lighting-touch from Beyond. Maybe Metron is a little more literal and specific an image, but he's kind of like an angel ― an angel of electricity and writing and inspiration like all of those messenger/writer gods I mentioned above. So I see him as the headman, the Platonic form, behind guys like the Flash and all the electric-based heroes in the DC Universe." - Grant Morrison
All of this is just generally showing grant doesn't have a single ******* idea of how to define a platonic concept, let alone the atemporal and aspatial aspects
"Creation is high 1-B"
The only scan not "refuted" in that thread is the limbo one
Firstly, this comes from Spectre, 1987, Issue 8, which by the way, precedes the time when Limbo was first introdcued in animal man, issue 25,
It's referring to limbo as in purgatory, the entire plot is regarding zatanna getting weird spooky crazy mega death things done to her ,
so the spectre went to find her body in limbo, the land of the beings who aren't either dead nor living, it's not like this is the only time limbo has been defined as such, like in day of judgement, regin in hell, etc. Again, The reason this is my point is bcus this really doesn't mean anything unless its grants limbo, even then it wouldn't be Infinite D, but I see through that shit anyway
@Antvasima u can close this shit now ty
"To Antvasima you seem to be very stubborn dismissing any scans and links he gives, saying you won't change no matter what is stubborn and close minded, no offense but this is part of the Wiki's problem."
"Still, I suppose that I may have overreacted. I am extremely overworked, and do not have much patience for topics that have been argued to exhaustion previously."
read pls, he literally gave him a list of people to contact
"I don't think it's fair to dismiss the possibility since y'all don't even know how to use your own speed scale, you put many characters to MFTL+ and mostly only putting 5D beings to Immeasurable speed even though that's not the only way to have Immeasurable speed, it should be up to debate and y'all should be more open, this was only one example of your failings in power scaling and etc."
Trying to point out your subjective views on other, completely different things without any evidence isn't a point buddy