I never claimed it wouldn't work meerly off of it being too chaotic, but by being a chaotic element. Nice strawman once again. You seem to not grasp the difference between a metaphor and false equivolency. Point is, things like Broadway Force or Toon Force play on a different access than something like Fire Manip or Causality Manip. You can repeat it, if that is what it takes for you to understand. I never claimed they corrilate, in fact its because they don't corrilate that the causality manip couldn't be consistently known to work. Perhaps you missed it but, I'm not claiming it could get by for sure, I'm saying that it is not a convensional element and is unstable, and thus we do not know. You are the one who is claiming it would reflect, so burden of proof falls to you. On a side note, Where did you get the idea that accausality was the only way to deal with causality manipulation? I understand exactly what you are saying, and I understand that it is wrong. I'll do you one better. Conceptual Reflection with Causality Manipulation? I bring you being straight up immune to conceptual attacks, being beyond most concepts of earth, and will straight up negate most things that try to effect her, even conceptual manipulation, all while in a weakened state. Guess what? Broadway Force still works on her. Arcueid in Carnval Phantasm.
Go take a look at Cain or the old man with a sack and you will understand how implied resistences from type 8 work. Making a playful jab at the mods for the Medaka Box stuff, yeah. I was more making the point that trying to pull out the infinite powers thing would bring you the same result. This is a wiki of beuracracy, and statements only don't fly here, its a different game entirely. Don't forget that there is a difference between what can be accepted and what people think is true, because a good number of Mods have varrying opinions on her. But I digress, let's get back on topic