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Hulk (Marvel Comics)
The Hulk is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and first appeared in The Incredible Hulk #1 (May 1962). Throughout his comic book appearances, the Hulk is portrayed as a large green humanoid...
Broly (Dragon Ball Heroes)
Xeno Broly is an alternative version of Broly in Dragon Ball Heroes who appears as a recurring villain in the game's narrative. Following his death in the original Toei history, Xeno Broly makes regular attempts at escaping Hell and resuming his hunt for Kakarot, growing stronger with each...
Speed not equal
Inconclusive: @Fezzih_007
Hulk: @Robo432343 @Excellence616 @That_moron2 @Tomfer @TheJokerNG @Maverick_Zero_X @The_one_you_least_expect
Broly: @JustANormalPerson01 @TiltedFN
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