Alright cool, just so you know, I basically mean, help make gifs by recording footage. As for what we need, we'll focus on Gunvolt for now
For Gunvolt, we'd need mainly his support skills and what they do, with comparisons (I would prefer skills that debuted in GV1 to be done in GV1 but that's picky):
Septimal Burst: Compare the difference in EP regeneration with and without it, meaning you'd need two separate clips to compare
Septimal Shield: Same thing, but for the amount of damage taken, preferably by a strong attack to tell the difference
Septimal Surge: Same thing, but for attack, would prefer to show how much the difference is utilizing a single hit attack like Luxcaliber or Crashbolt
Infinite Surge: Show how it can basically keep Flashfield on forever, and that it doesn't even use EP for Prevasion, so two clips, one for holding down Flashfield for awhile, and another to abuse Prevasion
Prevasion Spam: A clip of Gunvolt repeatedly recharging his EP in an extremely long super attack, like Zonda's, just to show that he can theoretically abuse Prevasion
Grand Strizer: A clip of Grand Strizer completely one shotting, or close to it. You'd need to rack up Kudo's points throughout a stage, so set it to the Gutless setting for this
Prevasion not working with Flashfield
A demonstration of all Bolt types from Cerberus to Dullahan (or Vasuki)
No need for Alchemical Field, it's basically useless
I get the rest, the water marks should be easy to fix
For Copen, I'd want to see if I can find anything on my own before bothering you guys