1. This is too verse-context dependant, for example, verse A is limited in Earth only so knowing all techniques, martial arts, fighting skills in general land the verse character into Omniscience. However verse B is way biiger in scope, which extend far above Earth realm with more ridiculous ***** for combat, so a character in this verse who knowing all techniques, martial arts, fighting skills but Earth only will not land said character even at Nigh-Omniscience, since there is things outside said character knowledge scope, and the requirement must be know every techniques in the verse to be Omniscience, but there is a problem, despite being in the same intelligence rank, both verse have extremely large gap, that make no sense if we put them in a vs match, or at least making comparison.
2. Knowledge =/= Intelligence, knowing all thinga doesn't make you more intelligence, knowing all techniques is useless as long as you can't apply it to combat, a robot that have data/informations of all fighting techniques do not make the robot a genius in battle if it can't apply the techniques into the battle, just know something doesn't mean you can apply it into practice especially combat where you need to apply your techniques for combat situation. This apply to even in real life, i actually have knowledge of Wingchun, Karate, Jeet Kune Do, but i can't ******* apply them into the real battle situation at all, so what combat intelligence i going to have??, probably Average at best, this also should be applied to most combat intelligence requirement, know the arts doesn't make you good, you need to actually applies them
3. Omniscience in general require you to know everything which include fighting techniques, somehow being Omnscience without knowing martial arts, fighting techniques,......is the violation of Omniscience requirement, so. Beside it is made clear before that this rating do not gain anything in a vsmatch aside from knowing many things, so having this rating for combat is just wrong move
All and all, Nigh-Omniscience and Omniscience combat rating should not exist, it is ridiculous