TL;DR: Lenght, Width and Height are part of what is called "space" in this chapter. A single thread made a flat circle into a 3D sphere that was a world of it's own. There are "countless" threads. I.E. Tier 1.
- Meng Hao saw countless dimensions of space, all of them different sizes. Some were blurry, others were clear. They transformed into countless threads, threads that Meng Hao was very familiar with; every time he unleashed the Eighth Hex, these threads would appear, bind whoever was the target of the magic, and seal their cultivation base as well as their Nascent Divinity.
This alone doesn't mean anything tierwise. Emphasis on "this alone".
- "Length... is space.... "Height... is space.... "Breadth... is also space.... "Size, can also be an expression of space...."
this, this is what proves that the space referce to spatial dimensions. Lenght, height and width are what our spatial dimension is made out of. And size
is an expression of it.
However, the most important part here is that spatial dimensions are equated to the word "space".
- Among the countless dimensional spaces, he saw that they could be described in terms of length, height, breadth, and overall size. And yet all of that seemed to be only a portion of what space was.
The last sentance clears up all the previous problems with the threads only making the three spatial dimension, and nothing above. Width, Lenght and Height are part of the "space" described here, but not
all of it.
- "Space... is nothing more than countless threads, formed together into a pattern. The patterns formed by those threads... are space!"
So, there are countless threads that make up
all of space. This would mean at least High 2-A, as there is more than the three spatial dimensions (plus temporal axis) in the space that is referenced here.
- "Within these threads are length, height, breadth, and size. They are limitless, and that is space.... They are flat, but actually...." He waved his right hand, causing a thread to stretch out from the circle, and then pass over him. In the blink of an eye, the circle of threads was no longer flat, but had transformed into... a sphere!
"With an additional thread, it is no longer a circle, but a sphere, like a world....
This is the part that proves 1-B. A single extra thread made a flat circle into a three Dimensional sphere. In-fact, the sphere is a "world" (something that the author, at least in AWE, refers to a place that is a place of it's own and not a part of the universe, and often has it's own, personal laws of reality).
And some might think that he only says it's just
like a world, and isn' t the actual thing. But that's later confirmed to be an actual world:
- If that canvas was folded, the subsequent cracks that were created were dimensional rifts. Furthermore, if the canvas could be formed into a sphere, then that space would be... a world