I wonder—How will Toyotarou approach Dr. Slump? He’s been made the Successor of Dragon Ball, but Penguin Village and all that comes with it exists in the Dragon World, so wouldn’t it mean he’s also, by proxy, the Successor to Dr. Slump? I mention this because, for as much as I trust him to continue Dragon Ball Super, I don’t think he has the capacity for Toriyama’s humor. I also don’t think I’ve ever seen Toyo ever draw anything on the more silly side of Toriyama’s designs, either. The closest was probably the newer art of Beelzebub, and while much closer to Dr. Slump, it’s definitely nowhere close to the real thing. Plus, most of those pieces are high definition/large scale pieces in terms of shading, coloring, etc., compared to what we really need—Silly goofy intentionally low effort looking designs and comics.