He/Him- 5,338
- 2,620
FYI, Ant gave me this idea, so why not explore the opportunity of the Cro-magnon & the Neanderthal, & our standards in regards to real world people in staff discussion? Clearer boundaries need to be set in cases of the former & latter tho, we are a fictional indexing website. We can’t just make profiles of your mom anyways, it derails the purpose of the site.
Technically, we have profiles that are mentally comparable to real world people. Specifically, we have the Cro-magnon & the Neanderthal.
Knowing all of this, what should we do with the neanderthal & cro-magnon profiles? What if we need said profiles if a fictional character scales to them in one of their physical stats. What if the character is the neanderthal or cro-magnon in both appearance & physical attributes (like how Mufasa is to a real world lion)? Aren’t the 2 profiles a bit related to modern hunter-gatherer groups?
Normal people technically have base powers & abilities contrary to belief
Solution: Restrict profiles that have only these common abilities unless they’re notable as stated in the rules is one, but what happens if X character is from the human race that’s proven to have either of these abilities? Also, we already a policy intended to restrict IRL people. Why not continue to follow its intentions & say that we mean all animals except IRL homo sapiens?
- A while ago, when Long ago when Deleted Username & I were more active in PMs, she questioned the status of prohibiting even a blank slate IRL average person profile. I showed her the thread on why it's not the case & presented the (inspirations for) the points I had on the hominids. It got me really thinking on what boundaries we should really put for stuff like IRL cavemen. Like chimps are more savage & different, but cavemen are a different & ironically comparable animal to people.
- Cro-magnons & Neanderthals lived during & after the time modern human behavior developed by 50 thousand years ago. Their brains would likely have reached modern size at this point. This makes them comparable to real people mentally.
- Humans are de facto animals scientifically & the wiki acknowledges this
- We do have a cavemen category. The vast amount of fiction we humans wrote suggests the possibility of a fictional character that has the physical attributes of neanderthals & Cro-Magnon.
- We have fictional characters that are physically comparable to their real counterparts (like mittens).
Knowing all of this, what should we do with the neanderthal & cro-magnon profiles? What if we need said profiles if a fictional character scales to them in one of their physical stats. What if the character is the neanderthal or cro-magnon in both appearance & physical attributes (like how Mufasa is to a real world lion)? Aren’t the 2 profiles a bit related to modern hunter-gatherer groups?
Normal people technically have base powers & abilities contrary to belief
- Conventional Bodily Weaponry: Our bites are a dirty move that has been used in street fights (& they’re quite potent). We also have nails that are capable of puncturing human skin, but they’re trash in a normal street fight besides as distraction.
- Statistics Amplification: Our fight-or-flight response is capable of enhancing our senses, attention & strength temporarily. There’s even context that when pushed to our physical limits, we undergo hysterical strength. Hysterical strength is a known phenomena where humans have a temporary burst of superstrength in highly stressed out situations. It pushes us from using our 67% normal strength to 100% of our strength (on par with chimps, since 100/67 = 1.5 times stronger than normal). While there’s other sources that suggest that our normal strength is lower, Zatorsky’s research is the most consistent.
- Limited Pain Tolerance: We have stress-induced analgesia. It temporarily suppresses people’s sense of pain. A person may not notice injuries to themselves for hours to weeks after a stressful situation.
Solution: Restrict profiles that have only these common abilities unless they’re notable as stated in the rules is one, but what happens if X character is from the human race that’s proven to have either of these abilities? Also, we already a policy intended to restrict IRL people. Why not continue to follow its intentions & say that we mean all animals except IRL homo sapiens?
The only uses I could think of for a IRL average human profile would be to make some stats physically human characters more precise & judge vague stats (like stamina & intelligence. Kicks go at 60 mph & our LS on hysterical strength is around above average human to athletic human). There’s also scaling purposes of a average human profile for animals like chimpanzees, dogs, leopards, wolves, etc. Heck a real person's durability varies from 10-C to at most 10-B to 10-B+, & some animals can breach a person's durability like chimps & huskies
However, showing them as a profile on site even with precautions would get controversial. Most of the stats on legit 10-Bs on site if they’re physically a normal person on their own are judged on common sense. The site is generally fine without having a profile about general human physical characteristics. As it's just going to affect only 10-Bs & 10-As, it's that insignificant (humans at full strength are at least 10-B, possibly 10-A (see rage power description in the points where I proved humans technically have abilities)).
(Unlike Chimps & Orangutans, modern people aren't always adapted to withstand full strikes from a person of comparable strength & have less durable muscle & bone than other primates of comparable strength. Physical training & martial arts dedicated to withstanding strikes can help them withstand strikes from each other more easily. Although the amount of people that does the latter is unknown & the amount of people that exercise varies among people)
However, showing them as a profile on site even with precautions would get controversial. Most of the stats on legit 10-Bs on site if they’re physically a normal person on their own are judged on common sense. The site is generally fine without having a profile about general human physical characteristics. As it's just going to affect only 10-Bs & 10-As, it's that insignificant (humans at full strength are at least 10-B, possibly 10-A (see rage power description in the points where I proved humans technically have abilities)).
The Cro-magnon & the Neanderthal are profiles that somehow survived in-spite of our standards. They're mentally comparable to real hunter-gatherers & people & technically animals despite being extinct or not around in their initial forms. What should we do?
Consensus: They should be removed from the wiki since they're real people. With realistic portrayals of Neanderthals, Crabwhale states that our athletic statistics should cover this. As for making the ratings a bit more precise, they didn't have the training & science we had today, therefore, they weren't stronger than modern athletes (Qawsedf234)
Consensus: They should be removed from the wiki since they're real people. With realistic portrayals of Neanderthals, Crabwhale states that our athletic statistics should cover this. As for making the ratings a bit more precise, they didn't have the training & science we had today, therefore, they weren't stronger than modern athletes (Qawsedf234)
- Opposition:
- They're in a better place as profiles in their current tier. There's nothing wrong with them being onsite since they don't cover people today (Agnaa)
I think everyone here just overlooked something. The rules state REAL-world people. Do we consider extinct animals/hominids as real entities by definition?
For now, I'll side no, when we say extinct, we mean they ONCE existed. Now they don't. That's what my common sense says.
Now, Antvasima, what does the staff think of this notable point? There's a chance that the pages may stay & that we just have to put a note on there. Although conversely, since they're mentally comparable, could they be as subjected to the "no real human profiles" rule as any other profile?
[*]Agree: Antvasima, Agnaa, me, Flashlight237 (Neanderthal's stay)
[*]Disagree: Crabwhale, DarkDragonMedeus, Flashlight237 (Cro-magnon's removal)
I wanted to point out that real Homo Sapiens technically have powers & abilities by our site's standards. But their profiles are not allowed anyways by the site's rules, we should be fine.
Consensus: The heart of the matter is that powers and abilities are specifically superpowers & real homo sapiens' abilities aren't allowed. I'm fine if that goes through since we haven't had a IRL human profile for the past 13 years.
Consensus: The heart of the matter is that powers and abilities are specifically superpowers & real homo sapiens' abilities aren't allowed. I'm fine if that goes through since we haven't had a IRL human profile for the past 13 years.
- Other points: The real homo sapiens have abilities, but that doesn't mandate that all human profiles should have the abilities unless the fiction stresses that they do (Agnaa)
- There's only a rather low usefulness for an average human profile & it would be more liable since it goes against our rules & site's intentions even with precautions like "matchbanning" the profile. I'm pretty much one of the only people that explored such a concept on my own & in a blog. I figured we're fine without real people profiles unless there's a really good reason for it.
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