Decided to edit+copy paste this here. Some these are unwritten rules that needed to be noted anyways.
This section should be between the "Power of the Verse" and
Supporters/Opponents/Neutral section of the page. I decided to be minimal and outline basic verse specific rules.vvv
==Verse-specific Rules==
The real world doesn't break the laws of physics or thermodynamics. Unless the scaling is based off of overwhelming by raw power, calculations, treated realistically and within common sense, battleboarding concepts like power scaling, calc stacking, et cetera don't apply to the real world.
*Follow the [[User blog:H3110l12345I20/Standards for the Reliability, Trustworthiness and Evaluation of Sources for The Real World On-site|standards for real world page references]], as references are mandatory for new pages.
*Be more realistic and careful when scaling entities around tiers '''Below Average Human level''' to '''Street level''', as the tiering system becomes inconsistent due to the tiering system being oversimplified.
***Humans [[User blog:H3110l12345I20/Average Human Strongest Attacks Page#This is a stomp!|having '''Street level''' energy output]] on their legs and gravitational potential energy when anyone is capable of injuring a person with a full punch. And yet, athletes can exert below this energy output.
***[[Gray Wolf|Wolves]] [[User blog
arlingAurora/✦ The Real World — Some calcs#Wolf jumping 12 ft(force)|jumping and withstanding '''Street level''' energy]] when their usual strikes (or bites in this case) [[User blog
arlingAurora/✦ The Real World — Some calcs#Crushing Otters Skulls|are around '''Human level''' to '''Athlete level''']] and they can get easily thrown around by a heavier [[Jaguar (Real World)|jaguar]].
^^^; make sure to replace the smiley emojis with a colon and upper case "d" in the source. Not to mention that the note in the "power of the verse" section is technically being moved.