A young martial artist competes against an eclectic group of fighters, including his own dad, to prove who has the strongest punch. Along the way, he battles prisoners, bounty hunters, and an old man with ridiculously long hair.
A group of hunters venture out into the wilderness to fight oversized animals with oversized weapons. They also cook a lot of food and wear the animals' skins as armor. Oh, and there's a cat that plays the drums.
A high school drama featuring a bunch of talking animals, where the carnivores struggle to control their urges and the herbivores are scared for their lives. There's also a wolf who wants to date a rabbit, a murdered alpaca, and a weird mafia subplot.
A fantasy game where players create an avatar and interact with other players in a world full of magic and monsters. You can make money by fishing, chopping down trees, or buying and selling virtual items, but you'll probably spend most of your time trying to click on things and waiting for your character to stop walking into walls.
(These shouldn't be too tough)