1. The constants are a numerical value. However there are infinte possible rel numbers it could ahve been, hence infinite possible outcomes or timelines made theoretically.
2. It is irrelivent that I cannot personally move my muscles in said directions, the point being made is particles can move in ifnite directions which is factual since there is infinite divisable space and points. So well for example my entire cell may be confined to a specific set of them, the parts within it can move independantly indefinatly more the smaller you go. So yes, the parts of you can move in nfinite directions as there are infinte points to move toward even though they are infinitly small.
I dont agree, I think that I have provided proof that there is since even you admit there is not proof of finite division of space, which in turn means ifniite poitns to move toward. And the fact there are infite number of real numbers for many universal constants, which could have been diffrent, thus giving infinite possible permutations.
3. The issue is there are infinite possible variations in some cases as i outlined above so your logic falls apart there. And there is no reason that a multierse can not grow even if it is already infinite, you can add to infinity.
Hell as of now even NASA with WMAP thinks the Unvierse is likely infinite in size again giving rise to infnite points and even volume in it. This is another example of infinite possibilities for variations.
So I understand your calims, I just don;t agree with them since there is lots of proof that examples of infinite permutations can exist logicaly to. And lets be real, even if it didnt make sense your still just using the stance of, ignore statement since you think it might be hypebole, not becouse it is actualy proven to be wrong directly or stated to be hyperbole.