- 577
- 466
Priority 2/3: Affects only those who can survive nukes or use nukes as part of their arsenal.
Verse: StarCrafts
Feat: Big Nuke visible from outer space EVALUATED
Priority 2/3: Scales to certain Characters or a group of Characters
Verse: StarCrafts
- Protoss Deathball Rolls In EVALUATED
- Hellion/Hellbats burn various Zerg to ashe EVALUATED
- Battlecruiser Feats in "Burning Tide" EVALUATED
- Voidrays destroy things EVALUATED
- Feats for Spinoffs/Bonus Episodes EVALUATED
BumpPriority 1: Affects all of the high-tiers
- V1 is shorter than the average Human
- V1 punches bullets (recalculation)
- King Mino's Potential Energy (recalculation)
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