>"how does this affect VS debates in the slightest?"
I'm just going to give some example. Let's say you are some person who heard of a new DB and researches blogs and profiles about one of the characters in vs debates pages. In some random pages, the character's equipment is vast, as it has everything it ever had. In this page, after overwritting the Optional Equipment rules, the character's equipment would be lesser. And why would other pages had more? Because enlisting that is part of what they believe they should do when enlisting stats and info, you know, as vs debaters. As such, we as a page not doing that has a lot to do with "how people likes to use characters in a vs debates setting".
And once again, it's not as if doing that means that we say that all characters will always have everything, it is only a matter of allow enlisting that at the bottom in a different section. And yes, this is knowing that realistically that makes no sense.
The part where you compare a change in immortality with this I hope you realize that it is not as impactful, at all.
>"This just seperates standard and optional equipment on profiles based on keys."
Dude, the first thing I said here is that I agree with that part, and then I had to say it over and over. Please stop trying to make me look as if I was not ok with it.
>"Secondly, if people are having different interpretations of optional equipment, then we need to standardise ourselves by making it clear what flies and what doesn't"
Absolutely, but one interpretation doesn't need to remove the other when we can have both. ..which is why we have optional equipment in the first place. Could you imagine if the original thread were full of people saying that only standard equipment should be a thing due to being more logical?
>"Why should some people adjust profiles that greatly benefit certain characters when others are dividing the equipment properly?"
The part of "dividing" I already said I agree with. The other is connected to that. Even then, you know what also greatly benefit certain characters? All the examples I gave before of illogical and unfair things we allow, some of them not used by people and pages that do the same as us.
>"Thirdly, ever heard the phrase "Just because we can, doesn't mean we should"?"
If that were my only reason then yes, why would we be doing something just because we can?
>"We are already doing tons of things differently from other VS debating sites, all in the persuit of accuracy and standardization."
There would be no lack of accuracy in doing what you aim+add some other list. Also, you are lying, if it were all in the persuit of accuracy and standardization then we wouldn't be allowing all the illogical stuff I mentioned before.
>"This will only serve to make our profiles cleaner and easier to navigate through."
As well as more incomplete.
>"Plus, even if we allow characters to have optional equipment they don't have, how would they even use them? For example, in character, Steven Universe has never used the Glass of Time against any opponent. Why? Because he destroyed it. From that point on, anything he does with the Glass of Time is pure speculation and borderline NLF."
This is just a plus so I understand it's not as important. Before anything, again, that could be a new section, not necessarily still optional equipment. The whole argument is something that can also be said of optional equipment, if Steven were to not have that destroyed the same problem would happen. There are also characters that would use those things IC, making a generalization like that inaccurate. And even then, I would not disallow matches with special rules to be made just due to the wank in it, to not be added in profiles? Sure, that's fine for me.