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9-C Tournament | Round 3: Ghostface vs Dale Gribble (GRACE)

Reaction score
Round 3 of the losers tournament. The goal of the tournament is get some W’s for profiles that don’t have any. Though Round 1-4 isn’t gonna be looking good for the losers.


Standard Battle Assumptions

Speed equalized

Battle takes place during night time

Ghostface scales to 360 joules
Dale scale to Baseline 9-C.

Jill Roberts (Scream) vs Dale (King of the Hill)

Who wins and why?

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Generally speaking, Dale is probably more competent in both shooting and close quarters, along with having a really solid stealth feat. He also has pretty alright pain tolerance so he could probably handle being stabbed once or twice assuming they weren't lethal.
I think that Jill has higher stats. Assuming the 9-B stuff is being disregarded, Dale is baseline and scales to a guy who could take down six football players. Jill meanwhile scales 75j higher than him, scaling to Sidney who scales Amber, who broke a leg. Jill herself also has pretty good feats to back this up, such as when she knocked Dewey (who is 9-C) out cold or when she effortlessly stabbed through a cop's skull.

While Dale managed to sneak into a gun club, I think Jill has more experience when it comes to stealth. Stealth is basically her whole MO, as a vast majority of her combat feats are done by stealth. Some notable showings are when she appeared behind two cops without making a sound or when she crept up on Sidney from a doorway. All this to say, Jill uses stealth in her fighting style more than Dale should.

She also has crazy pain tolerance. She tortured herself to the point she was hospitalized just to try and get away with murder. Even after that, she ripped out her own IV and continued to fight after getting an electric shock to the head.

Dale is probably more skilled with guns, I'll give him that, but he's gonna have to get passed stealth and pain tolerance to get a good shot in. There should be plenty of time for Jill to get a sneak attack or use her own gun.
I think that Jill has higher stats. Assuming the 9-B stuff is being disregarded, Dale is baseline and scales to a guy who could take down six football players. Jill meanwhile scales 75j higher than him, scaling to Sidney who scales Amber, who broke a leg. Jill herself also has pretty good feats to back this up, such as when she knocked Dewey (who is 9-C) out cold or when she effortlessly stabbed through a cop's skull.

While Dale managed to sneak into a gun club, I think Jill has more experience when it comes to stealth. Stealth is basically her whole MO, as a vast majority of her combat feats are done by stealth. Some notable showings are when she appeared behind two cops without making a sound or when she crept up on Sidney from a doorway. All this to say, Jill uses stealth in her fighting style more than Dale should.

She also has crazy pain tolerance. She tortured herself to the point she was hospitalized just to try and get away with murder. Even after that, she ripped out her own IV and continued to fight after getting an electric shock to the head.

Dale is probably more skilled with guns, I'll give him that, but he's gonna have to get passed stealth and pain tolerance to get a good shot in. There should be plenty of time for Jill to get a sneak attack or use her own gun.

Kinda don't matter that is night time and their hability to stelth around, thanks to SBA they have line of sight of each other and are 10 meters apart only, and If is completly dark... this battle will be just 2 idiots walking around blindly shooting around :V

She also has crazy pain tolerance. She tortured herself to the point she was hospitalized just to try and get away with murder. Even after that, she ripped out her own IV and continued to fight after getting an electric shock to the head.
Seens like her profile downplay her Pain tolerance a lot them, but with better experience with guns I would say Dale has better chance of hitting a fatal blow first, especially if he starts with a shotgun

The best thing I can say trough is. If he is a coward and he is facing a literal slasher from a horror movie he will probable will be in metaly disavantaging position, trough I have no idea how much this would afect him here