It's not really going to do anything. Theory can easily overpower this.
Even though Theory’s LS means he can very easily break out of the ropes, they’re still going to initially bind around him. That’ll trip him up or at least slow him down, killing any offensive momentum he potentially has
"The first few times" is an exaggeration. Someone with greater skill and IR is not dodging the first few times?
Skill doesn’t come into it. Skill isn’t universal across all possible actions, Theory is a skilled
wrestler, and as a consequence fighter, but he has never in his life had to counter anything even remotely resembling the properties of a batarang. His IR is useful but will only go so far, it’s not a magic dodging ability, especially since Theory’s profile only shows either offensive IR or IR that only helps him in a Wrestling match, if you can give scans of him using IR to dodge sure, but there’s no proof it will save him from ranged projectiles, though I’m willing to buy it will side him.
Theory has dealt with wrestlers that have legit shown to blitz other wrestlers, so I don't see the big issue here.
speed feat + cap
And even a well aimed one can still be dodged due to IR, whether Theory sees it coming or not.
Theory can fight on pure instinct, so I highly doubt this is going to mean much.
Teensy bit of wank for the IR Theory specifically has but I can buy the premise
I'm going to sound hella biased, but Batarangs, including ones that have a homing target, along with a paralysis device is already a lot for Theory to handle. Smoke bombs make it really unfair imho.
After realising paralysing cannot be restricted, I’m happy to keep smoke bombs banned
Given that both lack sharp-edged weapons, this is a battle that can't be finished in few hits.
Theory’s finishers have AP high enough that they can
heavily shift the scales of the battle in his favour, and if he’s struggling to get in close to Batman, when/if he does get in close he’ll be sure to make good use of the opportunity, possibly going for them earlier than he would usually.
I’m not sure the base AP is enough difference to really be much of a factor, but noted.
I’m still not sure who I want to go for, I lean Batman, but only
very slightly. I can easily buy Theory winning this as well and am still open to arguments that could shift where my vote is currently headed (though I’m not voting yet)